im bored with my life right now... i could use some changes in it..... im sick of where i live, sick of never having money, sick of the people i dont want in my ife. sick of all the day to day bullshit. but oh well i guess thats life in the big shitty.
where u been man? buck up.
I had such a great weekend. one of those weekends where u dont do anything but hang out witha few friends and drink all weekend. I definetly needed that. unfortunately when i woke up this morning i wanted to die. my sinuses are fucking killing me and it make me hate my life........ puke
i'm really glad your name isn't jeremy--he's ultra creepy.......

i work at a new restaurant called the press box. it's next to the royal oak music theatre.

you should come down to the tastefest this fri. the dirtbombs are the last band playing. it would be cool to meet maybe, i have to check what time they're playing.

it just dawned on me that your photo isn't of you....it jack white. right?
Re: Industry. Lame - that place was great. I recall having to go up four flights of stairs to get to the dressing rooms. I'm pretty busy out this way - whats up with your music?
just played a show tonight and it went so good. there were so many people there and it was such an amazing feeling
Hrm...an entry just before mine yet again....odd. Where'd you play? Tell me it was somewhere cool. You're in MI - does the Industry still exist in Pontiac?
hey boy--got your email.........i've been working alot lately and haven't been able to reply to anyone. sorry. you seem very interesting, we listen to alot of the same music. i really love buckley. i forgot to put it on my bio, but i do. i swear.

i work in royal oak, a new restaurant that just opened. i hate it though and am probably going to quit by the end of the week.

what band do you play in? your real name isn't jeremy is it? if it is we could have a problem...........i had a weirdo stalker named jeremy who was a musician from royal oak. let's hope not.
i hate the humidity... unless of course your back sweats profusly then its an amazing experience.
thanks for coming by and for your kind words.

btw I got to see Interpol here in Stockholm. British Sea Power opened up for them. It was pretty cool considering I'm not really a rock person.
1:30 this beautiful morning
Driving in the rain
Puts me at peace

It takes me away
away from my life
gives me reflection at the lack
the lack of my perfection

Lights line the windows of a building
wondering whos happy
and whos sad
whos got it good
and whos got it bad

Wondering whos got stories to tell
and whos got stories to hide...
Read More
So, uh, you come around here often?
someone be my my friend... just kidding but it would be nice to know some people on this site so say hello if u want.......

Hiya! Great pic - were you onstage with me that night?
Im sick of how fake people can be.... be yourself have your own identity.... when did people begin to think that being an individual was a bad thing?

Hey just started on this site. I just want to say hello and that im really interested in getting to be a part of this community.

this community is bad ass. Everyone is so nice. Its like a breathe of fresh air