Just a few photos from my trip to visit the redwood forests in northern California earlier this week.
Just a few highlights from yesterday's adventure up to the waterfall.
The sun finally came out and I got sunshine on my butt. 2-9-16
I’m looking at this picture and trying to remember where I took it and why then I notice and remember, this was where I startled another deer and we stared each other down for a few seconds before it went bounding away in the most adorable fashion 2-3-16
When you turn around and find yourself almost face to face with a moose and then it starts following you. 2-3-15
But not green enough. 1-27-15
It's squirrel appreciation day. Flashback from 4-1-15
Some outtakes from my trip to Tacoma, 1-12-15
One of my favorite family of bees. 6-23-15