Sooo, I've noticed some weird stuff going on with some groups. It looks like some groups that aren't so active, be it due to off season or whatever, have been merged together. The climbing group is now called "Outdoor recreation" with a different owner and the snowboarding group is called "Winter Sports" with the same owner. The former still has all the old threads but the later seems to have been wiped clean. Commented on that yesterday and now it seems i have been booted. Very strange. I don't think my comments were in bad taste or rude, or offensive. Since I don't know what led up to the snowboarding groups changes, perhaps my comments touched a nerve, though I hope not. Well, I've reapplied, hopefully they will let me back in and we can all rebuild what seems to have been lost.
Missy said
Hello there!
We are making an effort to streamline groups and make them the most useful and active they can be. To that end we have merged the lingerie addicts and corset groups. We look forward to beautiful discussions that highlight our assets.
Thank you!
I'm assuming they are doing that around the entire site! Plus with the new app layout coming out I'm guessing they are trying to make things very easy and accessible.