So a friend on his bike was in an altercation with someone and their car today. They cut him off so he felt the need to cut them off in return. They honked and passed really close to him and he lashed out and hit their side mirror. Then they tried to force him off the road twice. That's when the cops came in, sirens wailing.
Why the fuck do people in cars feel its okay to use their vehicle as a weapon when they will be absolutely royally fucked if they hurt someone with it?
Why the fuck do bicyclists seem to think the laws of physics and broken bones do not apply to them? If you stick your hand in a gators mouth and it bites you, its not the gators fault that you're stupid. Why would you play chicken with a vehicle??????
I am completely baffled by both sides of this circus side show.
That is all. Good night.
Why the fuck do people in cars feel its okay to use their vehicle as a weapon when they will be absolutely royally fucked if they hurt someone with it?
Why the fuck do bicyclists seem to think the laws of physics and broken bones do not apply to them? If you stick your hand in a gators mouth and it bites you, its not the gators fault that you're stupid. Why would you play chicken with a vehicle??????
I am completely baffled by both sides of this circus side show.
That is all. Good night.
Thanks for your comment on my set 
