26 hours...A Reflection.
Friday night...
In a cab bound for the Abstract, tigercat took our picture and captured my warm early evening buzz. Standing in line at the door, I watched her shiver in Triptick's jacket. I stood shivering, trying to handle the cold in better form than the spice of the Zen Garden. A group of five, tigercat, Lubflo, Jen, Triptick and I chatting excitedly, anxious for the warmth inside. I caught your glances tigercat. I felt your eyes on me. Inside my old haunt and bound for the bar, the pride of Nova Scotia brought us all together at a table by the edge of the bar. I watched half amused at the volume as a legion of fans descended on tigercat, Lubflo and Jen, the other half of me bewildered at their diversity in age and appearance.Trip and I talked at length about the finer points of making a woman melt (or a man for that matter) as the three ladies went off to the restroom, a group activity that never ceases to amaze me. There never seems to be any sort of outward, deliberate communication. Women just seem to know when another has to go.
Sitting on a stool, sipping my beer, I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders and fully expected an old rival looking to settle a long dead score to yank me backward. My body went rigid. Fortunately, it was tigercat and she moved around to my left as I found myself in the middle of a three way conversation, a place I would find myself again before the night ends, though more sweaty and animated than this. In comes "Ken" a fellow of advaced age and a member of the legion of fans that seems to gravitate to the three girls. Hes cool. He does the animated "old guy handshake" where it starts as a normal handshake, then switches to the "thumb grasp handshake" and finally to the "finger clench". I cant help but fell very much at home here. It's as though I never left. "Who wants a shot?!" exclaims "Ken" and I know full well that he means which of the girls wants a shotTrip and I don't count. We don't have breasts. I did get to sample the shooter in the end, as tigercat gave me a taste in a most pleasant way. Mmmmm, warm and minty.
I felt tigercat's hand on my arm as her body leaned in against mine and pushing up against my side. I let my hand fall and wander under her skirt, gently stroking her bare thigh. This club hasn't changed one single bit in the decade since I left. The only thing that's different is the floor, which lacks the gouges and blood that used to cover it by this hour, back in the day. To the dance floor! Once there, the memories of days gone by came flooding back and I wondered how I let it end so long ago. Perhaps the appeal of the place left with my need for excess. I suppose I have a new perspective seeing it through different eyes. Oh how I miss moving to the music, finding my own beat and relishing the tiny space afforded me by the writhing crowd.
I'm surprised by her continued attention. I thought for certain that the legions of fans would have stolen her away long ago. I can feel their eyes on me, sizing me up and wondering why it is I, and not one of them. Ironically, a later conversation with tigercat reveals that they in fact did enquire why. I must saygood answer. Ahhh, the energy on a dance floor is as varied as the people writhing upon it. Everything from the nervous energy of someone trying to impress with crazy moves, to drunk fuckers looking for a fight, to sober good time dancers. And then there's Trip...I thought I was a good dancer but fuck that guy can dance! Something else I have noticed in the last month since I began working with a young band and going out after the shows is my ability to spot a fight before it happens and the ability to spot someone looking for a fight. They have a certain demeanor, a look in their eye. Perhaps the dulled look of alcohol fueled macho bullshit. Pittythey're wasting so much time on useless persuits. Girls don't dig assholes, and the ones that do......
The night went much faster than I thought, and it wasnt long before we lost Lubflo and Jen. Not sure what happened there. So now we are a group of three and we danced the rest of the night away. Trip, I'm sure that people must have thought that we were gay but goddamn I was having a blast. Youre gonna have to teach me some of those moves
The last song of the night and the floor had pretty much cleared accept for a few stragglers and the three of us. Outside the club, a tigercat sandwhich was in order with a little triptick and camalot on the outside. We parted ways with Trip and ran for a cab...litterally ran which impressed me since tigercat was weraing some very sexy heels. Bursting through two guys on the sidewalk and growling "RARR!!!", tigercat found us a cab and we were off! Turns out that the cabbie was skilled at taking pictures of his passengers while driving and we took advantage of it.
Woke up in a haze. Laid there drifting in and out of sleep for a while before having to pee really really badly. After that, I was wide awake and the haze lifted soon after. Flash forward to beakfast...fruit bowls and waffles and omlet baggles and tea! Yummmm. Then off to Toronto to scavenge the sex shops looking for liquid latex. I have an idea for a photo and have always wanted to peel a skin tight dress off of a hot body
The first shop, wasnt hardcore enough for us and we left thinking the same. I bet they thought the same thing when we walked in...hehe. They have no idea
Four shops later, we found it! Mission accomplished. Off for a bite to eat at Fresh, a great little hole in the wall on Queen Street. I had the veggie burger with sweet ptato fries and tigercat had the Beach bowl. Avacado, Zuccini, sweet potatoes, etc. Mmmmm good meal. Back to Waterloo to watch a movie. Stopped at Starbucks and I found the cutest tea cup which I picked up for Mothers Day. Mom loved it by the way.
Vanilla Chai Latte with Soy...soooo gooood. Welcome to the dark side tigercat
They ARE addictive btw. Running With Scissors is a great movie but I dont remember the ending. I recall waking up during the credits though. I'll have to see the last half hour again to tie it all up. It was late, so I went home very tired.
Thanks for the fun Trip, Lubflow and Jen. Thanks tigercat, I had a great time. We have some really awesome conversations dont we. Well, friends and lurkers, I will leave you with a new image. Say hello to Karen...

Friday night...
In a cab bound for the Abstract, tigercat took our picture and captured my warm early evening buzz. Standing in line at the door, I watched her shiver in Triptick's jacket. I stood shivering, trying to handle the cold in better form than the spice of the Zen Garden. A group of five, tigercat, Lubflo, Jen, Triptick and I chatting excitedly, anxious for the warmth inside. I caught your glances tigercat. I felt your eyes on me. Inside my old haunt and bound for the bar, the pride of Nova Scotia brought us all together at a table by the edge of the bar. I watched half amused at the volume as a legion of fans descended on tigercat, Lubflo and Jen, the other half of me bewildered at their diversity in age and appearance.Trip and I talked at length about the finer points of making a woman melt (or a man for that matter) as the three ladies went off to the restroom, a group activity that never ceases to amaze me. There never seems to be any sort of outward, deliberate communication. Women just seem to know when another has to go.
Sitting on a stool, sipping my beer, I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders and fully expected an old rival looking to settle a long dead score to yank me backward. My body went rigid. Fortunately, it was tigercat and she moved around to my left as I found myself in the middle of a three way conversation, a place I would find myself again before the night ends, though more sweaty and animated than this. In comes "Ken" a fellow of advaced age and a member of the legion of fans that seems to gravitate to the three girls. Hes cool. He does the animated "old guy handshake" where it starts as a normal handshake, then switches to the "thumb grasp handshake" and finally to the "finger clench". I cant help but fell very much at home here. It's as though I never left. "Who wants a shot?!" exclaims "Ken" and I know full well that he means which of the girls wants a shotTrip and I don't count. We don't have breasts. I did get to sample the shooter in the end, as tigercat gave me a taste in a most pleasant way. Mmmmm, warm and minty.
I felt tigercat's hand on my arm as her body leaned in against mine and pushing up against my side. I let my hand fall and wander under her skirt, gently stroking her bare thigh. This club hasn't changed one single bit in the decade since I left. The only thing that's different is the floor, which lacks the gouges and blood that used to cover it by this hour, back in the day. To the dance floor! Once there, the memories of days gone by came flooding back and I wondered how I let it end so long ago. Perhaps the appeal of the place left with my need for excess. I suppose I have a new perspective seeing it through different eyes. Oh how I miss moving to the music, finding my own beat and relishing the tiny space afforded me by the writhing crowd.
I'm surprised by her continued attention. I thought for certain that the legions of fans would have stolen her away long ago. I can feel their eyes on me, sizing me up and wondering why it is I, and not one of them. Ironically, a later conversation with tigercat reveals that they in fact did enquire why. I must saygood answer. Ahhh, the energy on a dance floor is as varied as the people writhing upon it. Everything from the nervous energy of someone trying to impress with crazy moves, to drunk fuckers looking for a fight, to sober good time dancers. And then there's Trip...I thought I was a good dancer but fuck that guy can dance! Something else I have noticed in the last month since I began working with a young band and going out after the shows is my ability to spot a fight before it happens and the ability to spot someone looking for a fight. They have a certain demeanor, a look in their eye. Perhaps the dulled look of alcohol fueled macho bullshit. Pittythey're wasting so much time on useless persuits. Girls don't dig assholes, and the ones that do......
The night went much faster than I thought, and it wasnt long before we lost Lubflo and Jen. Not sure what happened there. So now we are a group of three and we danced the rest of the night away. Trip, I'm sure that people must have thought that we were gay but goddamn I was having a blast. Youre gonna have to teach me some of those moves

Woke up in a haze. Laid there drifting in and out of sleep for a while before having to pee really really badly. After that, I was wide awake and the haze lifted soon after. Flash forward to beakfast...fruit bowls and waffles and omlet baggles and tea! Yummmm. Then off to Toronto to scavenge the sex shops looking for liquid latex. I have an idea for a photo and have always wanted to peel a skin tight dress off of a hot body

Vanilla Chai Latte with Soy...soooo gooood. Welcome to the dark side tigercat

Thanks for the fun Trip, Lubflow and Jen. Thanks tigercat, I had a great time. We have some really awesome conversations dont we. Well, friends and lurkers, I will leave you with a new image. Say hello to Karen...

Day after brain chemicals? Been there done that. No thoughts on SB shoot. Need to schedule a date first. Then thinking becomes a priority. Anyway, just spent 3 hours killing zombies. Who's got time to think?
DUDE! How much was that latex? We could be wearing latex to the Gala!! Rock on baby!! (do people still say that?)