now playing: Nightwish - "Nemo"
Nightwish is a Finnish band who has less international popularity that I think they deserve. All clasically trained musicians, they bring the noise and the vocals could melt steele. This is "Operatic Metal" at its best. Do yerself a favour and check em out.
Also, I found this one so amusing I had to share it. Another Nightwish song called Wishmaster from a live show. The lyrics are hard to discern and consequently, hillarity ensues.
Wishmaster (Fishmaster
So, this past Friday, Maligne braved traffic and the unknown to come and visit me. It was so much fun! I gotta say, she is the sweetest lady I've ever met. Lots of great food and laughter and flirting adds up to one hell of a good time
I'd love to post pics, but the site is being a bastard and won't let me upload the files. So, until I get an answer from the SG web guru's, you'll have to take my word for it that a fantastic time was had by all.
Technology has had me bent over the edge of a table for the past few days.
EDIT: finally got the pics uploaded. Here they go!

A Cardinal, savoring some seeds

Same little birdie.

A goose swims upstream.

The lovely Maligne kicking it in the cave.

Maligne ignoring the phalic looking ice to the left

Striking a pose by one of many cave entrances.

Ploughing ahead and flirting with danger atop a thinly frozen river.

A tiny trickle creates ice flows big enough to hide behind.

A manky fixed quickdraw behind the ice curtain. Would you clip that Triptick?

Nature paints a a swirling canvas in and open spot along the river.
Good times! Thanks for coming Maligne. I had a blast!
Nightwish is a Finnish band who has less international popularity that I think they deserve. All clasically trained musicians, they bring the noise and the vocals could melt steele. This is "Operatic Metal" at its best. Do yerself a favour and check em out.
Also, I found this one so amusing I had to share it. Another Nightwish song called Wishmaster from a live show. The lyrics are hard to discern and consequently, hillarity ensues.
Wishmaster (Fishmaster

So, this past Friday, Maligne braved traffic and the unknown to come and visit me. It was so much fun! I gotta say, she is the sweetest lady I've ever met. Lots of great food and laughter and flirting adds up to one hell of a good time

I'd love to post pics, but the site is being a bastard and won't let me upload the files. So, until I get an answer from the SG web guru's, you'll have to take my word for it that a fantastic time was had by all.
Technology has had me bent over the edge of a table for the past few days.
EDIT: finally got the pics uploaded. Here they go!

A Cardinal, savoring some seeds

Same little birdie.

A goose swims upstream.

The lovely Maligne kicking it in the cave.

Maligne ignoring the phalic looking ice to the left

Striking a pose by one of many cave entrances.

Ploughing ahead and flirting with danger atop a thinly frozen river.

A tiny trickle creates ice flows big enough to hide behind.

A manky fixed quickdraw behind the ice curtain. Would you clip that Triptick?

Nature paints a a swirling canvas in and open spot along the river.
Good times! Thanks for coming Maligne. I had a blast!
Oh and..hello,,update time???