now playing: Tool - "Pushit"
Here's a clip of Maynard, who is into the Ju Jitsu, tossing a fan to the stage. I think the dude startled him. The best part...Maynard doesn't even miss a word...just keeps singing while down on the floor holding the guy in what looks like a choke hold. Judging from the guys fist pumping in the air, it was probably the highlite of the evening. Funny clip.
Lets talk about the weather then, shal we? This weather we're having, stormy snow and freezing rain and all that is certainly fun, but it makes me want to pack it all up and move somewhere where winter is at least STABLE for more than a few weeks! JHC! What gods do I have to blo to get a proper winter here?
A few "things" (not necessarily objects, mind) are keeping me here tho, 'cause I'm very intrigued by them
Life is interesting once again
The next time airport security asks you to prove that your cell phone really works, remember this video and understand why.
Now...think of what its like to be a baby, still in the womb, who is being operated on to repair your Spina Bifida. A doctor removes your mothers uterus and cuts a small incision in order to fix you. Your still warm and cozy throughout the procedure and afterward, for some reason, you feel compelled to extend your arm through that incision and grasp the doctors finger. It might look something like this.

Perhaps you were saying thanx.
Here's a clip of Maynard, who is into the Ju Jitsu, tossing a fan to the stage. I think the dude startled him. The best part...Maynard doesn't even miss a word...just keeps singing while down on the floor holding the guy in what looks like a choke hold. Judging from the guys fist pumping in the air, it was probably the highlite of the evening. Funny clip.
Lets talk about the weather then, shal we? This weather we're having, stormy snow and freezing rain and all that is certainly fun, but it makes me want to pack it all up and move somewhere where winter is at least STABLE for more than a few weeks! JHC! What gods do I have to blo to get a proper winter here?
A few "things" (not necessarily objects, mind) are keeping me here tho, 'cause I'm very intrigued by them

Life is interesting once again

The next time airport security asks you to prove that your cell phone really works, remember this video and understand why.
Now...think of what its like to be a baby, still in the womb, who is being operated on to repair your Spina Bifida. A doctor removes your mothers uterus and cuts a small incision in order to fix you. Your still warm and cozy throughout the procedure and afterward, for some reason, you feel compelled to extend your arm through that incision and grasp the doctors finger. It might look something like this.

Perhaps you were saying thanx.
That is some cool shit.
I thought people understood I meant that it's not enough to just think I am pretty and don't realize there comes A LOT more with the package - which they rarely can handle at all. So guys I have nothing in common with AT ALL, who thinks I am pretty or "hottt", and that's it, don't care about anything else - they are NOT boyfriend material.