now playing: Pantera - "Cemetary Gates"
Another great guitar track. Two solo's at 0:54 and 4:53 and both are so beautiful. I find the first to have a very lonely quality to it. Almost spooky. This is the best I could find that had both solos. The video has some really cool pictures but it's the music that's the subject of my post.
R.I.P "Dimebag" Darrelll Abbott.
So, what to tell...
Things are very much on the UP swing these days
I've several projects in the works that may or may not pan out so I'll not mention specifics untill they come to fruition. A certain someone, as it turns out, has very similar literary tendencies and has shown me how to once again have some good dirty fun. You know who you are, and thanks 
I recieved a chain e-mail today about a Chinese proverb that brings luck to those who jump through hoops. It goes on to say that the proverb originated in the Netherlands. That's when I deleted it. A Chinese proverb that originated in the Netherlands??? WTF?
A great thing happened at work today. I got to say "I told you so" to the bosses! A strange offensive smell would waft through the building at irregular intervals and it was suspected to be natural gas. I wanted to call in the gas company to investigate but management, in their wisdom prefered to just brush it off since th gas company would have instructed them to clear the building which would have affected their precious turn-around-time. Gosh, can't have that.
I have adopted the old "easier to ask forgiveness than permission" approach to things and called the gas company anyway. They sent a technician and he confirmed a ruptured pipe in the cold air return. The gas was being blown throughout the building by the ventilation ystem and would likely have accumulated to "symptom inducing" levels by mid day. The inspector shut us down for two hours while repairing the pipe which was nice, being on the clock and all, and I got the big fat bonus of being able to say I told you so.
THAT was fucking sweet.
My photgraphy website has been updated with a new "updates" section for my devoted fans. Now you don't have to search for new stuff!
Another great guitar track. Two solo's at 0:54 and 4:53 and both are so beautiful. I find the first to have a very lonely quality to it. Almost spooky. This is the best I could find that had both solos. The video has some really cool pictures but it's the music that's the subject of my post.
R.I.P "Dimebag" Darrelll Abbott.
So, what to tell...
Things are very much on the UP swing these days

I recieved a chain e-mail today about a Chinese proverb that brings luck to those who jump through hoops. It goes on to say that the proverb originated in the Netherlands. That's when I deleted it. A Chinese proverb that originated in the Netherlands??? WTF?
A great thing happened at work today. I got to say "I told you so" to the bosses! A strange offensive smell would waft through the building at irregular intervals and it was suspected to be natural gas. I wanted to call in the gas company to investigate but management, in their wisdom prefered to just brush it off since th gas company would have instructed them to clear the building which would have affected their precious turn-around-time. Gosh, can't have that.
I have adopted the old "easier to ask forgiveness than permission" approach to things and called the gas company anyway. They sent a technician and he confirmed a ruptured pipe in the cold air return. The gas was being blown throughout the building by the ventilation ystem and would likely have accumulated to "symptom inducing" levels by mid day. The inspector shut us down for two hours while repairing the pipe which was nice, being on the clock and all, and I got the big fat bonus of being able to say I told you so.
THAT was fucking sweet.
My photgraphy website has been updated with a new "updates" section for my devoted fans. Now you don't have to search for new stuff!
Luv Maligne