now playing: Ministry - Lay Lady Lay
I have always loved this song. It was originally done by Bob Dylan and later covered by Ministry. It starts with a simple rolling bass line, then a little kick and snare, and then a haunting ambient guitar track almost like whales calling from the deep blue ocean.
But it's the guitar coming in at 4:33 that grabs me by the emotional puppet strings and yanks me out of my comfy, happy little dream world.
The guitar is so lonely. So lost. So...solitary despite being surrounded by bass, drums, and Al Jourgensen's gravely vocal.
I can't find a site that hosts the track so no link this time but if you ever get a chance to listen to it, and have an affinity for beautifully written and played guitar, cue up the track, sit yourself down in front of the speaker, crank the amp to 4
and have someone sit behind you to hold you close because if you're at all like me, you're gonna need it, boy. I don't listen to it often because i don't want it to get old to my ears but every time I listen to that track, and in particular the guitar riff at 4:33, it feels like I've been punched in the gut.
It makes me feel so isolated and lonely but also hopefull. If a guitar can sing a siren's song...this riff is it.
I hope that when I die, this song is the last thing I hear.
On another note, something pretty fucking cool happened...out of the blue! A couple days ago, I started wondering what it would be like to experience a sexually oriented online encounter. The thought came to me a few times over the last few days and then today...pow! There it was. Well, sort of. There were some minor technical glitches that made things, well, intermittent for lack of a better term. Fucking servers dropped my companions connection!
Anyway, all's well that ends well and I'm going to sleep VERY well tonight. Vive la cyber sex! kinda...
And since it's officialy February 14, I can officially say Valentines day blows! Or rather, Valentines day can blow me!
"Um, hello, is this the florist? Yes can I please order a dozen long stem roses in exchange for my left nut so that someone I love will know that I love them today because all that stuff i did and said over the last 364 days apparently has an expiration date? Thank you, I'll have to put it on credit though because the jewler already took both my nuts and my left arm as payment for the sparkly diamond thingie that will not see the light of day again for another 364 days. Okay, thank you for understanding. Bye."
Fuck you Hallmark. Next year, make a card that say's
"Happy Valentines Day.
Sorry we made all your regular efforts insignificant because you'll be forever judged by what you do today. Again, we're sorry.
Seriously, I'm not really as jaded and grumpy as I sound...just venting all the pent up "Valentines Day acid reflux" that I've accumulated in the last few MONTHS since the week before the last Hallmark holliday ended.
On a much happier note, I'm going ice climbing tomorrow after work, to avoid all the women who are high on artificially inflated love, and their men who are high on painkillers because they don't want to think about the bill for that artificially inflated love. My climbing partner sold his soul tonight with a bunch of roses and a box of chocolates. But, you gotta do what you gotta do in order to go climbing. That's just the way it is. He'll probably cry afterward, his tears falling into his beer, dotting the frothy head and contaminating Ireland's finest stout as I console him with my annual "it's okay buddy, you did what you had to do. No one's judging're safe here. You're among friends." speech.
Poor bastard.
That being said, it's nice to feel loved. So, to all my friends and faithfull blog fans AND the not-so-faithfull (you know who you are and shame on you)...
Happy Valentines Day!
I love each and every one of you...accept you...yeah, you...the normal looking one. Get outta here, no one likes you.
P.S. pussycat...I'm looking into the webcam issue
I have always loved this song. It was originally done by Bob Dylan and later covered by Ministry. It starts with a simple rolling bass line, then a little kick and snare, and then a haunting ambient guitar track almost like whales calling from the deep blue ocean.
But it's the guitar coming in at 4:33 that grabs me by the emotional puppet strings and yanks me out of my comfy, happy little dream world.
The guitar is so lonely. So lost. So...solitary despite being surrounded by bass, drums, and Al Jourgensen's gravely vocal.
I can't find a site that hosts the track so no link this time but if you ever get a chance to listen to it, and have an affinity for beautifully written and played guitar, cue up the track, sit yourself down in front of the speaker, crank the amp to 4

It makes me feel so isolated and lonely but also hopefull. If a guitar can sing a siren's song...this riff is it.
I hope that when I die, this song is the last thing I hear.
On another note, something pretty fucking cool happened...out of the blue! A couple days ago, I started wondering what it would be like to experience a sexually oriented online encounter. The thought came to me a few times over the last few days and then today...pow! There it was. Well, sort of. There were some minor technical glitches that made things, well, intermittent for lack of a better term. Fucking servers dropped my companions connection!

Anyway, all's well that ends well and I'm going to sleep VERY well tonight. Vive la cyber sex! kinda...
And since it's officialy February 14, I can officially say Valentines day blows! Or rather, Valentines day can blow me!
"Um, hello, is this the florist? Yes can I please order a dozen long stem roses in exchange for my left nut so that someone I love will know that I love them today because all that stuff i did and said over the last 364 days apparently has an expiration date? Thank you, I'll have to put it on credit though because the jewler already took both my nuts and my left arm as payment for the sparkly diamond thingie that will not see the light of day again for another 364 days. Okay, thank you for understanding. Bye."
Fuck you Hallmark. Next year, make a card that say's
"Happy Valentines Day.
Sorry we made all your regular efforts insignificant because you'll be forever judged by what you do today. Again, we're sorry.
Seriously, I'm not really as jaded and grumpy as I sound...just venting all the pent up "Valentines Day acid reflux" that I've accumulated in the last few MONTHS since the week before the last Hallmark holliday ended.
On a much happier note, I'm going ice climbing tomorrow after work, to avoid all the women who are high on artificially inflated love, and their men who are high on painkillers because they don't want to think about the bill for that artificially inflated love. My climbing partner sold his soul tonight with a bunch of roses and a box of chocolates. But, you gotta do what you gotta do in order to go climbing. That's just the way it is. He'll probably cry afterward, his tears falling into his beer, dotting the frothy head and contaminating Ireland's finest stout as I console him with my annual "it's okay buddy, you did what you had to do. No one's judging're safe here. You're among friends." speech.
Poor bastard.
That being said, it's nice to feel loved. So, to all my friends and faithfull blog fans AND the not-so-faithfull (you know who you are and shame on you)...
Happy Valentines Day!
I love each and every one of you...accept you...yeah, you...the normal looking one. Get outta here, no one likes you.
P.S. pussycat...I'm looking into the webcam issue

So, I guess to be more specific, its the expectation stemming from the commercialisation that bothers me. And then there's Christmas...what a can of worms that is. Frankly, I find the level of greed that thrives around these "holidays" to be rather disgusting.
Consider it in terms of extremes. What's more moving and significant to you...
A) a starving man that gives you his last dollar because he thinks you need it more than he.
B) a starving man that gives you his last dollar because you have a gun pointed at his head.
There's giving based on desire to do a nice thing and then there's giving based on a choice that isn't really a choice at all...give me your dollar or I'll shoot you, give me a bunch of roses and a kiss or I'll make you feel crappy for not doing it.
Which would you prefer?