now playing: MONO - "Formica Blues"
Now here is something definately worth a blog entry. For shizzle! Pistolita's battle with cervical cancer is over! AND, she kicked it's ass!
Read about it in her blog
On another topic...falling down.
I've fallen down TWICE this week, neither of which were pretty and BOTH have caused me some pain. Wednesday night, went snowbarding for the first time ever. Long story short, caught the wrong edge of the board in the snow and was catapaulted face first to the ground...HARD! I remember hearing my neck crack and someone on the chairlift shout "OUCH!". Yeah, laid there for a few minutes wondering if I was going to be crippled, but it seems that I got away with a stif neck and one serious bitch of a headache.
Then today, I went to Elora to check on ice conditions in the Gorge and on my way out I slipped and fell on my side with my elbow out to protect my camera. Don't worry, the camera is fine, but my neck isn't. Same muscles as wednesday, stiff again! The good news is that the ice looks good. Another week of these weather conditions and it'll be climbable!!!!
The thought is making me giddy with joy!

Backtrail pillar, almost touching down!

Little inverted ice mushrooms. I love winter

Scary Pillar from the front.

Scary Pillar from the side. This pillar rarely forms well enough to climb. A few crazies have climbed it though. If this thing were to break off while you were in'd be royally fucked for sure, hence the name Scary Pillar.

Some seeping water makes these six foot tall icicles. So pretty.

The runoff from the street above and a storm drain make these curtains form. They're not quite ready yet...

The Big Drip pillar. This badass pillar forms pretty consistantly every year...consistantly shitty that is, but worth a whack. The ice is always full of air bubbles, dirt, sand, twigs and anything else the drainpipe sends out. I've even seen a shoe frozen into the pillar.
Annnd on a third topic, I went to Atmosphere, a bar/bistro/lounge in Guelph last night after climbing, with two friends. We sat at the bar for a drink and chatted with the bartender, who is also named Mike and if I were gay, I would have been all over him...gorgeous blue eyes, Aussie, etc. Anyhoo, two ladies around my age sat at the bar beside us and one made eye contact with me. We exchanged our best "hello hottie" looks and i mentioned to my friends that i thought she was very beautiful and had a sexy look of trouble in her eye. So Dan say's "why don't you go over and chat with her?" She wasn't really my type and i was looking rather...tatered, since this was an after climbing drink, not a night on the town so I didn't feel up to it.
They kept bugging me to go over though so I said, "alright, how about when we're leaving I just stop beside her and say "Hi, I just wanted to tell you that I think you're very beautiful and i hope you and your friend have a great evening. Bye." They accepted this and we returned to our usual banter. Then all the sudden Dan turns to me and says "You know, I don't think you should say that to her." I asked why not and he said that he thinks that women already have an unfair advantage over guys since they can shut us down when ever they want and I shouldn't build up her ego like that...and she was wearing a Beatles t-shirt. I just looked at him and told him he's jaded. He denied it. Dave backed me up and we continued discussing the issue. Long story short, Dan doesn't like feedng the female ego and he didn't think that this girl was anything special so why tell her that i think she's beautiful. I think Dan's jaded and why the hell not...I do think she's beautiful.
Anyway, as we left, I stopped beside them and caught her eye, looked down at her t-shirt and said "The Beatles, eh." With a big grin and a glance at my own Motley Crue t-shirt I said "My band would kick your bands asses. AND I just wanted to tell you that I think you're very beautiful and I hope you and your friend have a great night. Bye." And off we went.
Dan thinks that was dumb. I think he's just jaded. The girls were beaming as I walked out the door.
the end.
Now here is something definately worth a blog entry. For shizzle! Pistolita's battle with cervical cancer is over! AND, she kicked it's ass!
Read about it in her blog
On another topic...falling down.
I've fallen down TWICE this week, neither of which were pretty and BOTH have caused me some pain. Wednesday night, went snowbarding for the first time ever. Long story short, caught the wrong edge of the board in the snow and was catapaulted face first to the ground...HARD! I remember hearing my neck crack and someone on the chairlift shout "OUCH!". Yeah, laid there for a few minutes wondering if I was going to be crippled, but it seems that I got away with a stif neck and one serious bitch of a headache.
Then today, I went to Elora to check on ice conditions in the Gorge and on my way out I slipped and fell on my side with my elbow out to protect my camera. Don't worry, the camera is fine, but my neck isn't. Same muscles as wednesday, stiff again! The good news is that the ice looks good. Another week of these weather conditions and it'll be climbable!!!!
The thought is making me giddy with joy!

Backtrail pillar, almost touching down!

Little inverted ice mushrooms. I love winter

Scary Pillar from the front.

Scary Pillar from the side. This pillar rarely forms well enough to climb. A few crazies have climbed it though. If this thing were to break off while you were in'd be royally fucked for sure, hence the name Scary Pillar.

Some seeping water makes these six foot tall icicles. So pretty.

The runoff from the street above and a storm drain make these curtains form. They're not quite ready yet...

The Big Drip pillar. This badass pillar forms pretty consistantly every year...consistantly shitty that is, but worth a whack. The ice is always full of air bubbles, dirt, sand, twigs and anything else the drainpipe sends out. I've even seen a shoe frozen into the pillar.
Annnd on a third topic, I went to Atmosphere, a bar/bistro/lounge in Guelph last night after climbing, with two friends. We sat at the bar for a drink and chatted with the bartender, who is also named Mike and if I were gay, I would have been all over him...gorgeous blue eyes, Aussie, etc. Anyhoo, two ladies around my age sat at the bar beside us and one made eye contact with me. We exchanged our best "hello hottie" looks and i mentioned to my friends that i thought she was very beautiful and had a sexy look of trouble in her eye. So Dan say's "why don't you go over and chat with her?" She wasn't really my type and i was looking rather...tatered, since this was an after climbing drink, not a night on the town so I didn't feel up to it.
They kept bugging me to go over though so I said, "alright, how about when we're leaving I just stop beside her and say "Hi, I just wanted to tell you that I think you're very beautiful and i hope you and your friend have a great evening. Bye." They accepted this and we returned to our usual banter. Then all the sudden Dan turns to me and says "You know, I don't think you should say that to her." I asked why not and he said that he thinks that women already have an unfair advantage over guys since they can shut us down when ever they want and I shouldn't build up her ego like that...and she was wearing a Beatles t-shirt. I just looked at him and told him he's jaded. He denied it. Dave backed me up and we continued discussing the issue. Long story short, Dan doesn't like feedng the female ego and he didn't think that this girl was anything special so why tell her that i think she's beautiful. I think Dan's jaded and why the hell not...I do think she's beautiful.
Anyway, as we left, I stopped beside them and caught her eye, looked down at her t-shirt and said "The Beatles, eh." With a big grin and a glance at my own Motley Crue t-shirt I said "My band would kick your bands asses. AND I just wanted to tell you that I think you're very beautiful and I hope you and your friend have a great night. Bye." And off we went.
Dan thinks that was dumb. I think he's just jaded. The girls were beaming as I walked out the door.
the end.
Wow. I wish there was a cuddle party here! But there is not. Maybe I should start it... cause I sure could need some. And yeah, sleep I need too as usual. Thanks for updating me on what's up...I'll write you more later.

You are such a ladies man. I wish I could hang out I with you more.