I'm back! I'm all moved in and I have internet service once again! Life is good. It seems that my service provider is much better at DISconnecting services than they are at REconnecting services. But I digress. It feels good to be connected again...what does that say about me...me thinks I may be spending a little too much time online?
Nawwww. That can't be true.
I picked up the newest Deftones album Saturday Night Wrist...fuckin awesom, AND I happened to notice the new Jakalope album "born4" which I snatched up as well but havent listened to yet. I'm sure its equally as impressive as It Dreams...we shall see.
ell, I'm off to catch up on the hot nakedness that I missed...I have to, they're right there lined up at the bottom of my screen...it would be rude to ignore them.
Nawwww. That can't be true.
I picked up the newest Deftones album Saturday Night Wrist...fuckin awesom, AND I happened to notice the new Jakalope album "born4" which I snatched up as well but havent listened to yet. I'm sure its equally as impressive as It Dreams...we shall see.
ell, I'm off to catch up on the hot nakedness that I missed...I have to, they're right there lined up at the bottom of my screen...it would be rude to ignore them.
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, welcome back, my friend!

because i try so hard to hide it