Okay, I had an interesting incident happen today. But first a little background info would be helpfull in understanding the events. I've always been sort of "tuned in" to stuff around me...stuff that most people don't acknowledge. When I was very young, I began seeing people and hearing things that "were not there" according to my parents. I'd have conversations with people and interact with whoever would listen. Often seen by family as talking to the walls. My sister also had these experiences but hers faded with time and she no longer has them.
One day, I was out with my mom running some errands and while standing in line I started talking to an old woman who was in line behind us. She acknowledged me as far as making eye contact, but other than that she just looked forward, toward the front of the line until she looked down at me and screamed "Shut up you little shit!"
Well, I'd never had that happen before. People were always so friendly toward me and this really freaked me out. I burst into tears and sought the refuge of moms arms. She took me aside and calmed me down enough to get a few words out of me. I told here that the old lady screamed at me, pointing to the old lady who stood in line, facing forward as if nothing were the matter. Mom, took me out of there and we got in the car, resuming our errands.
Years later, I found out that my Mom had not heard anyone scream behind her, nor did she see any old lady in the line when I pointed to the woman. Mom acknowledges the event happened exactly as I remember it with the exception of the old lady. Make of that whatever you will.
When I was three, my dad passed away, a victim of a workplace accident. Since then I often see and feel him around, though I never hear him. Sometimes though, strings of words pop into my head, usually containing something unmistakably from him. I've become pretty accustomed to him being around. It doesn't phase me anymore, it's just as if he were still alive.
And now todays event...
My ex took possession of her new house a few weeks ago and had new carpet installed. She needed baseboards installed and contacted a local handyman network to do the job. They quoted $800 (not including materials). When she told me this I told her that was outrageous and it should'nt cost that much. When she asked me if I would do the job, I responded that these days I'm not feeling terribly motivated to do her any favours and declined the job. She said she'd pay me for my time, and I reconsidered ( I have a few hundred dollars left to pay off a new lens).
So I spent the better part of yesterday at her place installing baseboards while she was in Montreal for the holiday, and all the while, I felt like something was strangely...strange. Not in an eerie sort of way though. I was just very aware of something being different. I went about my work and as the sun went down, I took a dinner break and went out for a bite, returning to the house afterward. No sooner had I entered the house that the feeling was back but much stronger than before. I felt like there was another presence in the house with me. Every time I acknowledged it, a shiver went through me from head to toe.
Now, normally I would have called it a night and gone home but i didn't feel put off by it. I was very odd, not at all in any way bad, but just very strange, like I'd never felt before. It was a very strong presence but it didn't feel in any way negative. Actually, it felt very pure and innocent, more like I was being observed rather than stalked, you know? So I continued working until I ran out of baseboard and called it a night.
Leaving the house, I no longer felt the same prescence but deffinately felt some kind of residual, lingering energy around me. By the time i got home, the feeling was gone and I had forgotten about it entirely. Today, I went back to finish the baseboards and install some new lighting fixtures. I was in the house for about half an hour when the feeling returned though this time it wasn't as strong as yesterday but still very definately there. I would liken it to the feeling of being in a room with someone who is just going about their business, not really paying you any mind.
At one point, I thought is was my dad and a warm rush swept through me. As the afternoon wore on, I began to fell more like I was being observed again and it just didn't feel at all like it usually does with my dad. I don't think it was him although since right at the beginning on Saturday, it did feel familliar and almost like I knew the person who was with me. Like I said, I've never felt anything like it, or for such a long duration for that matter.
Anyway, all afternoon I felt like I was in the company of something big and powerfull and good, but odd. When I had finished my work and was packing up my tools, I gathered everything by the front door and was putting on my sweater, preparing to load my stuff into the car when I caught a glimps of a figure standing in the kitchen...peeking around the corner at me. I stopped and turned to face the kitchen and there it was right there, not opaque but not transparent. A form of sorts, just standing there looking at me. I don't know if it was male, female, adult or child but it was right there in front of me. This has NEVER happened before.
I felt a massive chill flood in but I felt no fear or bad energy.
I spoke out loud saying "HI. Do I know you?"
I got no perceptable response.
I said "I feel like I know you."
Again, nothing.
I said "You've been watching me for quite a while now, huh."
No response.
I said "If I've bothered you, I'm sorry." and the chill in me was pushed right out in front of a wave of warmth that filled me from head to toe and then the form was gone. It was like the presense was saying "Don't worry about it."
I have the distinct feeling like the presence was just curious. Watching simply to see what I was up to. Any malicious force would have had AMPLE opportunity to fuck with me since I was working with a chop saw, a cordless nailer and had my fingers in electrical boxes all afternoon. That being said, perhaps I was not being observed so much as being watched over.
I dunno.
I do have many deceased relatives who were caregivers to me in my youth, that I've not heard from since they passed on. Perhaps what I felt today was a collective effort. For some purpose or other. I still have some residual "stuff" left on or around me but it doesn't feel bad...just different.
Maybe it was Santa Claus...
One day, I was out with my mom running some errands and while standing in line I started talking to an old woman who was in line behind us. She acknowledged me as far as making eye contact, but other than that she just looked forward, toward the front of the line until she looked down at me and screamed "Shut up you little shit!"
Well, I'd never had that happen before. People were always so friendly toward me and this really freaked me out. I burst into tears and sought the refuge of moms arms. She took me aside and calmed me down enough to get a few words out of me. I told here that the old lady screamed at me, pointing to the old lady who stood in line, facing forward as if nothing were the matter. Mom, took me out of there and we got in the car, resuming our errands.
Years later, I found out that my Mom had not heard anyone scream behind her, nor did she see any old lady in the line when I pointed to the woman. Mom acknowledges the event happened exactly as I remember it with the exception of the old lady. Make of that whatever you will.
When I was three, my dad passed away, a victim of a workplace accident. Since then I often see and feel him around, though I never hear him. Sometimes though, strings of words pop into my head, usually containing something unmistakably from him. I've become pretty accustomed to him being around. It doesn't phase me anymore, it's just as if he were still alive.
And now todays event...
My ex took possession of her new house a few weeks ago and had new carpet installed. She needed baseboards installed and contacted a local handyman network to do the job. They quoted $800 (not including materials). When she told me this I told her that was outrageous and it should'nt cost that much. When she asked me if I would do the job, I responded that these days I'm not feeling terribly motivated to do her any favours and declined the job. She said she'd pay me for my time, and I reconsidered ( I have a few hundred dollars left to pay off a new lens).
So I spent the better part of yesterday at her place installing baseboards while she was in Montreal for the holiday, and all the while, I felt like something was strangely...strange. Not in an eerie sort of way though. I was just very aware of something being different. I went about my work and as the sun went down, I took a dinner break and went out for a bite, returning to the house afterward. No sooner had I entered the house that the feeling was back but much stronger than before. I felt like there was another presence in the house with me. Every time I acknowledged it, a shiver went through me from head to toe.
Now, normally I would have called it a night and gone home but i didn't feel put off by it. I was very odd, not at all in any way bad, but just very strange, like I'd never felt before. It was a very strong presence but it didn't feel in any way negative. Actually, it felt very pure and innocent, more like I was being observed rather than stalked, you know? So I continued working until I ran out of baseboard and called it a night.
Leaving the house, I no longer felt the same prescence but deffinately felt some kind of residual, lingering energy around me. By the time i got home, the feeling was gone and I had forgotten about it entirely. Today, I went back to finish the baseboards and install some new lighting fixtures. I was in the house for about half an hour when the feeling returned though this time it wasn't as strong as yesterday but still very definately there. I would liken it to the feeling of being in a room with someone who is just going about their business, not really paying you any mind.
At one point, I thought is was my dad and a warm rush swept through me. As the afternoon wore on, I began to fell more like I was being observed again and it just didn't feel at all like it usually does with my dad. I don't think it was him although since right at the beginning on Saturday, it did feel familliar and almost like I knew the person who was with me. Like I said, I've never felt anything like it, or for such a long duration for that matter.
Anyway, all afternoon I felt like I was in the company of something big and powerfull and good, but odd. When I had finished my work and was packing up my tools, I gathered everything by the front door and was putting on my sweater, preparing to load my stuff into the car when I caught a glimps of a figure standing in the kitchen...peeking around the corner at me. I stopped and turned to face the kitchen and there it was right there, not opaque but not transparent. A form of sorts, just standing there looking at me. I don't know if it was male, female, adult or child but it was right there in front of me. This has NEVER happened before.
I felt a massive chill flood in but I felt no fear or bad energy.
I spoke out loud saying "HI. Do I know you?"
I got no perceptable response.
I said "I feel like I know you."
Again, nothing.
I said "You've been watching me for quite a while now, huh."
No response.
I said "If I've bothered you, I'm sorry." and the chill in me was pushed right out in front of a wave of warmth that filled me from head to toe and then the form was gone. It was like the presense was saying "Don't worry about it."
I have the distinct feeling like the presence was just curious. Watching simply to see what I was up to. Any malicious force would have had AMPLE opportunity to fuck with me since I was working with a chop saw, a cordless nailer and had my fingers in electrical boxes all afternoon. That being said, perhaps I was not being observed so much as being watched over.
I dunno.
I do have many deceased relatives who were caregivers to me in my youth, that I've not heard from since they passed on. Perhaps what I felt today was a collective effort. For some purpose or other. I still have some residual "stuff" left on or around me but it doesn't feel bad...just different.
Maybe it was Santa Claus...