I just found out that Pistolita Suicide is battling Cervical Cancer. A calendar of artwork has been created to help raise funds for her rising treatment costs. We can help by purchasing one and standing beside Pistolita as she beats this thing down. My ex also battled cervical cancer durring our marriage so I know how difficult the process can be on a person. It's a very common form of cancer that can range from undetected non-symptomatic to "pretty bad". Many women have it and don't even know it. If caught early enough, it can be removed without radiation or Chemotherapy, so ladies, keep up the regular pap-testing! My ex eventually had a partial historectomy and is now in good health.
I'm sure the same will come to pass for our girl, Pistolita.
Link to purchase a calendar... Pistolita Suicide Calendar
Link to the thread...Support Pistolita Suicide
I'm sure the same will come to pass for our girl, Pistolita.
Link to purchase a calendar... Pistolita Suicide Calendar
Link to the thread...Support Pistolita Suicide
Yeah, I heard about that. It's very scarey and sad abut she's so strong!