A Perfect Kiss.
Today I had the most amazing experience of my recent life. Possibly of all my life, but that's hard to say for sure.
I was standing in line at Cinnabon this afternoon, in the same mall that I was kicked out of for taking photos at a while back, and there were two women standing about 30 feet away looking at something...
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Today I had the most amazing experience of my recent life. Possibly of all my life, but that's hard to say for sure.
I was standing in line at Cinnabon this afternoon, in the same mall that I was kicked out of for taking photos at a while back, and there were two women standing about 30 feet away looking at something...
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No fucking idea anymore, I don't remember the last time I kissed someone or they kissed me. No one has ever complained however, but there's always lots to learn... well if you have someone to practice with that is.
I am drinking tea before going to bed.... sigh. I'm hopeless for now. I need somewhere else to sleep. See my MySpace blog. I'll try some new tricks with the insomnia soon. I think I am going to the countryside for a few days or so soon... to start interviewing my grandmother for the book I am doing of her life just to have a project to do... and I think it will be good. Blabla... kissing... is hard to get out of my mind when it's in the front row.
A friend relayed this story to me today. It's about a little girl and a construction crew and honestly, I teared up...
This is truly a heartwarming story about the bond formed between a little girl and some construction workers. It makes you want to believe in the goodness of people and that there is hope for the human race.
A young family moved into...
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This is truly a heartwarming story about the bond formed between a little girl and some construction workers. It makes you want to believe in the goodness of people and that there is hope for the human race.
A young family moved into...
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I'm going to bed... again, but hey you should come and climb some Swedish ice sometime.
you're so right about all of that...and now that i'm fine
(yes you were right about me being fine too hehehhe) i'm a better person for not only getting over it but realizing many things before getting over it, therefore learning alot that will help me in the future

I'm back! I'm all moved in and I have internet service once again! Life is good. It seems that my service provider is much better at DISconnecting services than they are at REconnecting services. But I digress. It feels good to be connected again...what does that say about me...me thinks I may be spending a little too much time online?
Nawwww. That can't be true....
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Nawwww. That can't be true....
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YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, welcome back, my friend!

because i try so hard to hide it 

Well, I still have internet service...confusing but cool nonetheless.
Was listening to the latest release from TOOL, 10,000 days and was quite moved by the song "Right in two". It makes me sad but i find Keenan to such an incredible writer. Amazing. Thought I'd share...
"Right In Two"
Angels on the sideline,
Puzzled and amused.
Why did Father give these humans free will?
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Was listening to the latest release from TOOL, 10,000 days and was quite moved by the song "Right in two". It makes me sad but i find Keenan to such an incredible writer. Amazing. Thought I'd share...
"Right In Two"
Angels on the sideline,
Puzzled and amused.
Why did Father give these humans free will?
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i will post part 5 today
i will post part 5 today
Okay it's 6:30 and my internet could be cut off at any time so I'm going to start replying to the stuff in my inbox but if you don't hear from me for the rest of the week its because my service has been terminated. It's not because I'm not around, cause I looove getting mesages. It's better than snail-mail 'cause it's so much faster!...
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OMG....don't leave me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Messin round in the studio.
Well here we are on the first day of 2007. I don't feel any different than yesterday though. Actually, a little tired is all, but it happens once a year so
Anyway, I was discussing SG with a friend last night and mentioned that I need to put more pics in my profile, that actually show me, unobscured and she was all about doing it...
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Thanks, dude!
Fruit is really really nice, actually. It should be involved in more sex-related acticities.
It is, isnt it? A weird mix of degrading and just hilarioulsy awesome!

Fruit is really really nice, actually. It should be involved in more sex-related acticities.
It is, isnt it? A weird mix of degrading and just hilarioulsy awesome!

yes i demanded and i love the nakie one hehehhehe
Well it's Christmas Day evening and I'm spending the holidays all alone. I've never been alone at Christmas and it's not such a bad thing. I guess it may be in part to the fact that just about everyone I know had extended an invitation to me for Christmas dinner but I politely declined them all. Maybe it's different if you're alone, not by choice....
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wow. i cannot tell you how i landed on your site - but i did.
i like the idea of the burial and i hope you feel better now!
and i really like the first picture because your blue shirt is a very interesting colour-spot!
(happy new year!)
i like the idea of the burial and i hope you feel better now!
and i really like the first picture because your blue shirt is a very interesting colour-spot!
(happy new year!)
Thanks for your support. Happy New Year!
Okay, I had an interesting incident happen today. But first a little background info would be helpfull in understanding the events. I've always been sort of "tuned in" to stuff around me...stuff that most people don't acknowledge. When I was very young, I began seeing people and hearing things that "were not there" according to my parents. I'd have conversations with people and interact with...
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I love this animated short...so funny. Perhaps youve seen it. Perhaps not. Watch it anyway.
"Ze End of Ze World"
"WTF, mate?" Love it.
"Ze End of Ze World"
"WTF, mate?" Love it.
aww well at least i made you want to read it again!
hahahaha aww that made me feel so much better...i really hope this guy will want to open up more and let me see his mistakes
that makes me like a guy the best...your words really helped thanks 

Hello blog,
so I've always been quite fascinated with the vagina. Yeah, I call it that to be politically correct. I like "pussy" better...it's prettier and doesn't feel so rigid and uptight to me.
Anyway, I had a recent exchange with an SG regarding her clit piercing that she mentioned in one of her video's and I just had to ask about it. Apparently, her...
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so I've always been quite fascinated with the vagina. Yeah, I call it that to be politically correct. I like "pussy" better...it's prettier and doesn't feel so rigid and uptight to me.
Anyway, I had a recent exchange with an SG regarding her clit piercing that she mentioned in one of her video's and I just had to ask about it. Apparently, her...
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isn't she adorable. i always think i'm biased, when i say that.. but she really breaks hearts. a little doggie heartbreaker. <3
well it's sort of the same. You can rationalize it.
I just found out that Pistolita Suicide is battling Cervical Cancer. A calendar of artwork has been created to help raise funds for her rising treatment costs. We can help by purchasing one and standing beside Pistolita as she beats this thing down. My ex also battled cervical cancer durring our marriage so I know how difficult the process can be on a person. It's...
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Yeah, I heard about that. It's very scarey and sad abut she's so strong!