SO...Quick update. I got a job working for a law firm...I head up their marketing, essentially.
Things on the home front are good. My 17 year-old brother might end up moving in with me; an adventure in itself!
Renaissance faires are coming up...Ostara is soon...and I'm going to Six Flags Magic Mountain in less than two weeks! Also, I got a sweet Canon Rebel XT.
Other than that, life is as usual. Nothing exciting, nothing new, save for the job, of course.
How have you all been?

Things on the home front are good. My 17 year-old brother might end up moving in with me; an adventure in itself!
Renaissance faires are coming up...Ostara is soon...and I'm going to Six Flags Magic Mountain in less than two weeks! Also, I got a sweet Canon Rebel XT.

Other than that, life is as usual. Nothing exciting, nothing new, save for the job, of course.

How have you all been?

Nice camera I picked up something similar and I love it. Grats on the job very cool. Life's been intresting.
Congrats! Enjoy the new camera!