I just can't believe there are people out there who want to hurt their dogs. I can't begin to fathom why someone would want their dog to hurt another dog, let alone for sport.
I bawled through the whole video both times I watched it. I cried in sorrow for the dogs who had the misfortune of ending up in the "care" of such heartless heathens, and I cried in joy because there is some hope out there. There are some genuinely loving, caring people who are willing to take these dogs into their homes and shower them with love.
Seven months ago I became "Mommy" to a loving little pit-bull named Ola. She was rescued from a shelter here in San Diego, a shelter that becomes a temporary home to many pit-bulls, and to many of those, a place of execution.
Skittish and sensitive to loud noise, it's obvious she was abused by her former owner(s). She is fearful of a raised hand, and plastic grocery bags frighten her terribly.
Ola warmed my heart immediately. A sweet little face, soft fur, a wide smile and wise eyes won me over. I quickly learned her affinity for crawling beneath the blankets and snuggling right up to you. She hates the cold, but hates the rain even more. When she is told to be quiet when she barks, she comes to you and whines at your feet. If it's time for a jog with Daddy, she'll come to me seeking asylum. She'll destroy anything with a squeaker in it. She also loves to tickle my feet by nibbling on my toenails.
I've learned her quirks and yet she still surprises me every day.
Since her puppyhood was not a pleasant one, she is not the most social towards other dogs. However, with a little time on her own turf, she quickly warmed up to my Border Collie-mix, Luna. She'll share food and treats with her, even a big juicy bone. She'll roll around on her back seeking attention from Luna.
This is not a mean dog. She is a wonderfully loving little girl who just got off to a bad start.
This is not a human-aggressive dog:

Nor is this a fighter:

This is a girl who wears sweaters and loves wholly:

If anyone ever tried to hurt her, I would strike them down where they stood.
Our dogs are here to protect us, yes, but it is also our duty to protect them.
If you find yourself "in the market" for a dog, please go to your local animal shelter. Any animal you adopt is a blessing, but keep in mind that kitties/puppies will always find a home. Pick an older dog, one whom might not have a chance because of age, behavioral problems, or health conditions. If you are feeling extra-generous, adopt a "bully" breed. These dogs are even less likely to find a home.
For any puppy you buy from a breeder or find via craigslist, there is a dog that dies in a shelter.
Some of the most loving, friendly dogs I've ever known have been pits. Some of the best pets I've ever known have been pets other people gave up on.
I love animals.

shit !! ... that video had me cringing and foaming at the mouth with anger ... wish i knew the ' dudes' who do this shit ... would be happy to shoot them all ..in the balls first so it hurts ..I love animals as well .. take care .. len xx