Women, as most people know, tend to over-analyze themselves on a day-to-day basis. While some women pick themselves apart more than others, I have yet to meet a single woman who is entirely satisfied with her appearance.
One who could be considered the most beautiful, appealing, and/or sexy will still stand in front of the mirror for countless minutes inspecting the curves of her body (or lack thereof.) With perfect breasts, she'll still groan at the shape of her nose. With the perfect, round posterior, she still won't wear a bathing suit because of some cellulite on her thighs. And, even with a nearly flawless body, she'll still tan herself to a crisp and wear a pound of makeup because she simply doesn't feel good without these things.
I, myself, spent some time today before the mirrors in the bathroom.
I need to flatten my tummy, I'd think. My arms could use toning...
And then it dawns on me. Yes, I've got some flaws that are easily fixed...but those other things I could obsess over? Ridiculous.
The width of my shoulders and rib cage were designed to support my big breasts. Without a little extra padding on my sides (love handles) my hips would not look right. They'd be too wide. Without those broad hips, my curvy legs would look cartoonish. And, my ass would not be proportionate to the rest of me were it any larger or smaller.
It may all be in vain, however. One day I may feel spectacularly about myself, and the next...I could loathe every inch of myself.
It has always been said that a man will naturally desire a woman with full hips for the sake of child-bearing, a woman with larger breasts to nurture that child. I've used that theory often times to make myself feel better.
Strange, though, that I tend to be attracted to women who are nearly my opposites. The women I've been involved with (damned-near in love with) have been lean, generally with smaller breasts. They have still oozed feminine beauty, and I could kiss every inch of them and never have my fill.
Boobs and/or hips do not equal femininity. A woman's charm, her wit, her simple smile can have you swooning before you know it.
I suppose that is the downside of interweb nekkidness. You can read whatever she decides to share with you, perhaps her innermost thoughts, see every curve and hole on her body, and you will still only know 1% of that person's being. You cannot know her laugh, her scent, her essence.
What does this all mean? NOTHING. I'm just really fucking bored and "Judge Judy" ain't doin' it for me. I'm tempted to masturbate. Maybe later.
I hope you all enjoyed your holidays...Mine were uneventful. I got a kick-ass KitchenAid Artisan stand mixer, though! I've been baking up a goddamned storm! Brownies, oatmeal-peanut-butter-chocolate-chip cookies, and pumpkin cheesecake pie. Yum!
On another note, I rarely enjoy sex anymore. I won't blame him...that's too easy. I can blame it on my birth control...the Nuva Ring. I'm all for clitoral stimulation these days, but intercourse itself just isn't appealing. Oh, and when I would like him to finish quickly, it takes forever. When I'm really enjoying myself, it's over within moments. Dunno...
I'm also feeling terribly needy. I need constant reassurance that I'm loved, needed, wanted, etc. A lot of that comes from a recent falling out of trust. Long story short: his phone rings. It goes to voicemail. He checks his messages. Because his phones loud, I distinctly hear a woman's voice. I ask who it is. He tells me it's a MALE friend. After asking several times more, he continues to lie to me, creating new lie after lie. FINALLY, he tells me it was an ex.
Naturally, I don't feel that I can trust him. In that, I feel hesitant to just give my body over to him. Also, I have to wonder what he has to hide. Then it becomes, "Am I not good enough?" Thusly crushing my self-esteem.
All right....Booooring. Here are some pictures:
Suggestive Much?:
And, finally, a photo from an X-mas party:
My brother tells me I tend to look like a different race in every photo...The boy just ain't right in the head.
Anyhow, everything's mostly loverly. I'm unemployed (still), poor, and questioning every step I take in life. Oh, joy.
One who could be considered the most beautiful, appealing, and/or sexy will still stand in front of the mirror for countless minutes inspecting the curves of her body (or lack thereof.) With perfect breasts, she'll still groan at the shape of her nose. With the perfect, round posterior, she still won't wear a bathing suit because of some cellulite on her thighs. And, even with a nearly flawless body, she'll still tan herself to a crisp and wear a pound of makeup because she simply doesn't feel good without these things.
I, myself, spent some time today before the mirrors in the bathroom.
I need to flatten my tummy, I'd think. My arms could use toning...
And then it dawns on me. Yes, I've got some flaws that are easily fixed...but those other things I could obsess over? Ridiculous.
The width of my shoulders and rib cage were designed to support my big breasts. Without a little extra padding on my sides (love handles) my hips would not look right. They'd be too wide. Without those broad hips, my curvy legs would look cartoonish. And, my ass would not be proportionate to the rest of me were it any larger or smaller.
It may all be in vain, however. One day I may feel spectacularly about myself, and the next...I could loathe every inch of myself.
It has always been said that a man will naturally desire a woman with full hips for the sake of child-bearing, a woman with larger breasts to nurture that child. I've used that theory often times to make myself feel better.
Strange, though, that I tend to be attracted to women who are nearly my opposites. The women I've been involved with (damned-near in love with) have been lean, generally with smaller breasts. They have still oozed feminine beauty, and I could kiss every inch of them and never have my fill.
Boobs and/or hips do not equal femininity. A woman's charm, her wit, her simple smile can have you swooning before you know it.
I suppose that is the downside of interweb nekkidness. You can read whatever she decides to share with you, perhaps her innermost thoughts, see every curve and hole on her body, and you will still only know 1% of that person's being. You cannot know her laugh, her scent, her essence.
What does this all mean? NOTHING. I'm just really fucking bored and "Judge Judy" ain't doin' it for me. I'm tempted to masturbate. Maybe later.
I hope you all enjoyed your holidays...Mine were uneventful. I got a kick-ass KitchenAid Artisan stand mixer, though! I've been baking up a goddamned storm! Brownies, oatmeal-peanut-butter-chocolate-chip cookies, and pumpkin cheesecake pie. Yum!
On another note, I rarely enjoy sex anymore. I won't blame him...that's too easy. I can blame it on my birth control...the Nuva Ring. I'm all for clitoral stimulation these days, but intercourse itself just isn't appealing. Oh, and when I would like him to finish quickly, it takes forever. When I'm really enjoying myself, it's over within moments. Dunno...
I'm also feeling terribly needy. I need constant reassurance that I'm loved, needed, wanted, etc. A lot of that comes from a recent falling out of trust. Long story short: his phone rings. It goes to voicemail. He checks his messages. Because his phones loud, I distinctly hear a woman's voice. I ask who it is. He tells me it's a MALE friend. After asking several times more, he continues to lie to me, creating new lie after lie. FINALLY, he tells me it was an ex.
Naturally, I don't feel that I can trust him. In that, I feel hesitant to just give my body over to him. Also, I have to wonder what he has to hide. Then it becomes, "Am I not good enough?" Thusly crushing my self-esteem.
All right....Booooring. Here are some pictures:


Suggestive Much?:

And, finally, a photo from an X-mas party:

My brother tells me I tend to look like a different race in every photo...The boy just ain't right in the head.
Anyhow, everything's mostly loverly. I'm unemployed (still), poor, and questioning every step I take in life. Oh, joy.

And again, I enjoyed the new set.