Ooh...Looky here:

Is that me in the new Skin&Ink calendar for 2007? Uh...Fuck yes it is.
I'm stoked about it...I knew that wonderful photographer Jeff Davidson's photos were being used for the issue, but I had no idea that I'd be included in the mess. Happy Happy Joy Joy.
Still no luck in the jobhunt. It certainly is the worst time of year to be unemployed and looking for work...
I spend my weekdays scouring the web for job listings and playing The Sims 2. It's a sad existence, really.
I drove to Hillcrest yesterday to pay a visit to the Trader Joe's as I was having a particularly strong craving for beef bool kogi. Hillcrest is an artistic hub here in San Diego, as well as a thriving gay community. Also, it's stupid as shit to drive around there. There are a million little shops lining the streets, most of which haven't got their street number anywhere on the building, so to hell with trying to find an address. Cars are parked up and down every square inch of every curb, so every asshole and his mom are flinging their car doors into traffic. Did you pass your destination and need to turn around? Yeah? Well, fuck you! You can't hang a U-turn here. Hell, we'll put a one-way street going right in the only section of road that would afford enough space for a U-turn.
Even with HIllcrest's traffic problems aside, Trader Joe's ended up being tucked away at the very end of some shopping center. I had nearly given up.
In summation, fuck Hillcrest and fuck beef bool kogi. I've been writhing in pain since I ate that stuff. I don't know if it was that I ate a lot of it, the fact that it was so rich, or a combination thereof...but FUCK. My stomach's been in knots and I've felt like I'm going to expel bool kogi from every orafice. Gross, yes?
Besides my being pissed off at anything and everything, and I'll blame that on PMS, life is good. The weather is finally cooling down, Thanksgiving will soon be upon us, and the Nuva Ring has worked for the third month in a row!
Huzzah...I think.

Is that me in the new Skin&Ink calendar for 2007? Uh...Fuck yes it is.
I'm stoked about it...I knew that wonderful photographer Jeff Davidson's photos were being used for the issue, but I had no idea that I'd be included in the mess. Happy Happy Joy Joy.
Still no luck in the jobhunt. It certainly is the worst time of year to be unemployed and looking for work...
I spend my weekdays scouring the web for job listings and playing The Sims 2. It's a sad existence, really.
I drove to Hillcrest yesterday to pay a visit to the Trader Joe's as I was having a particularly strong craving for beef bool kogi. Hillcrest is an artistic hub here in San Diego, as well as a thriving gay community. Also, it's stupid as shit to drive around there. There are a million little shops lining the streets, most of which haven't got their street number anywhere on the building, so to hell with trying to find an address. Cars are parked up and down every square inch of every curb, so every asshole and his mom are flinging their car doors into traffic. Did you pass your destination and need to turn around? Yeah? Well, fuck you! You can't hang a U-turn here. Hell, we'll put a one-way street going right in the only section of road that would afford enough space for a U-turn.
Even with HIllcrest's traffic problems aside, Trader Joe's ended up being tucked away at the very end of some shopping center. I had nearly given up.
In summation, fuck Hillcrest and fuck beef bool kogi. I've been writhing in pain since I ate that stuff. I don't know if it was that I ate a lot of it, the fact that it was so rich, or a combination thereof...but FUCK. My stomach's been in knots and I've felt like I'm going to expel bool kogi from every orafice. Gross, yes?
Besides my being pissed off at anything and everything, and I'll blame that on PMS, life is good. The weather is finally cooling down, Thanksgiving will soon be upon us, and the Nuva Ring has worked for the third month in a row!
Huzzah...I think.
Great new set, gorgeous legs and that garter tattoo is so sexy
Congrats on the calendar! The new set is gorgeous by the way.