Holy SHIT I've been away for a month and a half.
As usual, I haven't got much time to post, so I'm going to keep it short....But with pictures! Partial nudity is involved, so please look on. (To see these in their original sizes, visit DeviantArt!)
Embrace with SG Lorelei
Green With Envy (my personal favorite)
Polka-Dotted Pin-up
And, of course, Representin' SG
Once again, I was kicked out. It's funny what a supposed "father" will do when he's drunk. Of course, the next day I received an apologetic message in my voice mail. Where I'm living doesn't have internet access, but don't worry, I haven't completely fallen off the edge of the earth. I'm holding on, dangling, if you will. I'll climb back up, just as I always do.
Job is still going great, thankfully. There's the typical drama associated with workplace politics, but that's to be expected no matter where you go. I'd much rather have the politics and be in a place I like with nice people as opposed to having the politics without the latter.
Romantically, things are great. I'll leave it at that.
Oh, and anal is better than I expected.
I love you people...a lot. I really lament that so much time has passed since my last update, and I apologize. Life is just crazy right now...but I'm sure you know how that goes.
I hope you are well, and I hope you continue to stick with me through the bullshit!
You guys are amazing.
As usual, I haven't got much time to post, so I'm going to keep it short....But with pictures! Partial nudity is involved, so please look on. (To see these in their original sizes, visit DeviantArt!)
Embrace with SG Lorelei

Green With Envy (my personal favorite)


Polka-Dotted Pin-up

And, of course, Representin' SG

Once again, I was kicked out. It's funny what a supposed "father" will do when he's drunk. Of course, the next day I received an apologetic message in my voice mail. Where I'm living doesn't have internet access, but don't worry, I haven't completely fallen off the edge of the earth. I'm holding on, dangling, if you will. I'll climb back up, just as I always do.
Job is still going great, thankfully. There's the typical drama associated with workplace politics, but that's to be expected no matter where you go. I'd much rather have the politics and be in a place I like with nice people as opposed to having the politics without the latter.
Romantically, things are great. I'll leave it at that.
Oh, and anal is better than I expected.
I love you people...a lot. I really lament that so much time has passed since my last update, and I apologize. Life is just crazy right now...but I'm sure you know how that goes.
I hope you are well, and I hope you continue to stick with me through the bullshit!
You guys are amazing.

Miss ya, happy happy 20th!!