Okay, Im definitely way past due for an update.
So, here I am in bee-yoo-tiful Germanythats complete and utter sarcasm. Im sure Germany is just lovely in the springtime and summer, but smack-dab in the middle of January? Not so much. Its below freezing and because of the constant snowfall, theres really nothing to do, nor is there any motivation.
I went into downtown Munich and walked around for a bit. There seems to be an abundance of Mexican restaurants hereI was curious to see how the food at one of the cantinas would taste.
All in all, I was pretty impressed. The salsa had a bit too much hot sauce and not enough cilantro & tomatoes, they put a honey-mustard vinaigrette on the salad (authentic), and the chimichanga had more sour cream than it should have. Beyond that, it was delicious. The rice was cooked to perfection, spicy but not too spicy. The taco had the perfect blend of kidney beans, ground beef, spices and greens.
After eating, I walked around for a while. The square was nothing but shops and restaurants. I got bored with it, as I had no desire to shop and I had just eaten. Plus, it was fuckin cold.
Dinner at the hotel was fantastic both nights. The first night I had a beef filet with a mushroom sauce, salad and au gratin potatoes.
When I think filet, I think of a tiny little 8oz piece of meat. Nope, this thing was huuuge. (Thats what she said) It was a good 3 inches high with a five-inch radius. It was beautifully bloody (vegetarians are cringing at this point), tender, with perfect marbling.
The cheesiness of the potatoes made me queasy for whatever reason, so I skipped over them. The salad was greatI ate around the bell peppers. Not a fan.
The second night I had the Bavarian crispy pork. It wasnt so much crispy as it was 90% FAT!!! Every bite was meticulously trimmed of as much fat as possible. It practically liquefied in my mouth. Fantastic.
Accompanying the pork were two potato dumplings that were rounded, which looked quite crudeif you hit the table, they jiggled like boobiesto which Id giggle in delight.
On the night of the seventeenth, I was in Rothenberg. Its a cute little town, some of which is within the fortified walls of a castle. I stayed at the cute, quaint Akzent hotel inside the castle walls. I took a nap immediately for quite a few hours. When I awoke it was snowing furiously outside, so I decided to watch some episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist to pass the time.
Dinner was nothing spectacular
I awoke and took a walk around town. I stopped in a shop to pick up some trinkets, then in a caf. There were 10-15 people inside with only one woman behind the counter.
Sprechen sie Englisch? I asked her.
Only a little, she replied.
Have you got a menu?
I put my hands together, palm-to-palm, and opened themimitating a book.
Oh! Yes
She handed me the menu, all of which was in German. She tried valiantly to explain it to me, when I told her that Id figure it outI had a phrasebook.
For those who dont know, many European breakfasts are comprised of meat, bread, and cheese. Not all together, necessarily.
At this particular caf, I ordered a cappuccino and a breakfast plate. It had three separate types of cheeses, ham, raspberry marmalade, two Kaiser rolls, an orange wedge, and a couple slices of tomato and cucumber. I ate it all, and it was fantastic!
I did absolutely nothing in Stuttgart. Its a huge town nestled in a valleyand I stayed in a somewhat industrial part of town.
People stared at me like crazy in the restauranttattoo? Obviously American? Whatever.
Im in Heidelberg at the moment. I visited the castle yesterday, despite the cold. The rain has melted away most of the snow.
The castle was a very interesting sight to behold. Walls were ripped apart quite some time ago by cannonballs, so its somewhat of a ruin. Theyd built upon it a couple hundred years ago, and there are scaffolds here and there from construction/restoration.
Beyond that, its a glorious thing once you reach the top. You get to see Heidelberg in its entiretybeautiful
While Im just sitting here, Ill brief you all on my stay in London. No, rather, Ill write a letter to Great Britain itself.
Dear Great Britain,
Upon arriving in your glorious city, London, I had low expectations. I knew there was history aplenty, but I figured itd just be another city.
Your Underground rail system is a thing of beauty. I was able to navigate with ease, and I was able to see everything I wanted to for very little money and in very little time. Bitchin.
Piccadilly Circus was just that, an absolute circus. Still pretty cool.
Seeing Buckingham Palace was slightly over-rated.
Youve got some beautiful boys in Londonthey were everywhere! Perhaps it was because men there tend to put more effort into their appearance, or theyre just plain good-looking just because.
The women for the most part, not so muchtoo skinny.
Seeing Stonehenge was unreal. The highway nearby and the surrounding plowed fields kind of take away from the experience, but I hear youre working on that. Cant wait to come back for that!
I only really have one complaint for London, that being that driving is damn near impossible in the city! There arent any easily visible street markersJust signs tacked onto the side of a random building. Quite frustrating, especially when youre already late to the airport.
All in all, it was lovely. We shall meet again, I am sure.
Some Random Yankee
Apparently everyones been seeing me on MTVs Next. Everyone but me, that is! Blah. I hope I presented myself in a poised, respectable manner.
They mustve edited out the bit about SG. Hmthey told me theyd air it, too.
FHM held a contest with a publishing company in the hopes of finding a cover model for a Pulp novel. You can read all about it here.
I got an e-mail today telling me that Im in the top five. I dont know if the contest continues from here, or if its officially over. Either way, I got some books out of it!
Im missing him. The laughing, the kissing, the sharing, the cuddling, the dog, the general chit-chat, the love-making, the whispering, the smirking, the fucking, the caressing, the showering, the undressing, the dressing, the undressing an hour later, the adoring stares, the warmth, the wetness, the giggling, the agreeing, the disagreeing, the licking, the hand-holding, the sheet-twisting, the initial arrival, the holding, the cooking, the oral, the post-orgasm grin, the groove in his shoulder that was made for my head, the fall-asleep, the wake-up, the outings, the stay-ins, the thinking ahead, the desire for time without end, the everything.
We had a little wrestling match before I left. I totally kicked his ass, and he knows it! It was pretty hot, though. Were it not for the dog, we probably couldve fucked on the couch. But noooI suppose that prepares me for what itll be like to be a mommyTEN YEARS FROM NOW.
Ive been dreaming every night since arriving in Europe. My dreams vary from being pleasant, to being fucked up, to being confusing, etc.
I had a really, really nerdy dream about Fullmetal Alchemist. I dreamt that my brother and I were being chased by chimeras (either an animal/animal or an animal/human cross). I used alchemy to transmute a mace out of an umbrella and a stone. What the fuck?
I woke up with an undeserved feeling of self-satisfaction. It was strange, but bitchin. I need help.
I think Ive done enough damage with this update.
I apologize to those that I have not been able to reply to! My Internet time is limited, as Im being charged per hour. It aint cheap.
Pictures to come upon my reception of FREE-FUCKIN'-INTERNET.
So, here I am in bee-yoo-tiful Germanythats complete and utter sarcasm. Im sure Germany is just lovely in the springtime and summer, but smack-dab in the middle of January? Not so much. Its below freezing and because of the constant snowfall, theres really nothing to do, nor is there any motivation.
I went into downtown Munich and walked around for a bit. There seems to be an abundance of Mexican restaurants hereI was curious to see how the food at one of the cantinas would taste.
All in all, I was pretty impressed. The salsa had a bit too much hot sauce and not enough cilantro & tomatoes, they put a honey-mustard vinaigrette on the salad (authentic), and the chimichanga had more sour cream than it should have. Beyond that, it was delicious. The rice was cooked to perfection, spicy but not too spicy. The taco had the perfect blend of kidney beans, ground beef, spices and greens.
After eating, I walked around for a while. The square was nothing but shops and restaurants. I got bored with it, as I had no desire to shop and I had just eaten. Plus, it was fuckin cold.
Dinner at the hotel was fantastic both nights. The first night I had a beef filet with a mushroom sauce, salad and au gratin potatoes.
When I think filet, I think of a tiny little 8oz piece of meat. Nope, this thing was huuuge. (Thats what she said) It was a good 3 inches high with a five-inch radius. It was beautifully bloody (vegetarians are cringing at this point), tender, with perfect marbling.
The cheesiness of the potatoes made me queasy for whatever reason, so I skipped over them. The salad was greatI ate around the bell peppers. Not a fan.
The second night I had the Bavarian crispy pork. It wasnt so much crispy as it was 90% FAT!!! Every bite was meticulously trimmed of as much fat as possible. It practically liquefied in my mouth. Fantastic.
Accompanying the pork were two potato dumplings that were rounded, which looked quite crudeif you hit the table, they jiggled like boobiesto which Id giggle in delight.
On the night of the seventeenth, I was in Rothenberg. Its a cute little town, some of which is within the fortified walls of a castle. I stayed at the cute, quaint Akzent hotel inside the castle walls. I took a nap immediately for quite a few hours. When I awoke it was snowing furiously outside, so I decided to watch some episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist to pass the time.
Dinner was nothing spectacular
I awoke and took a walk around town. I stopped in a shop to pick up some trinkets, then in a caf. There were 10-15 people inside with only one woman behind the counter.
Sprechen sie Englisch? I asked her.
Only a little, she replied.
Have you got a menu?
I put my hands together, palm-to-palm, and opened themimitating a book.
Oh! Yes
She handed me the menu, all of which was in German. She tried valiantly to explain it to me, when I told her that Id figure it outI had a phrasebook.
For those who dont know, many European breakfasts are comprised of meat, bread, and cheese. Not all together, necessarily.
At this particular caf, I ordered a cappuccino and a breakfast plate. It had three separate types of cheeses, ham, raspberry marmalade, two Kaiser rolls, an orange wedge, and a couple slices of tomato and cucumber. I ate it all, and it was fantastic!
I did absolutely nothing in Stuttgart. Its a huge town nestled in a valleyand I stayed in a somewhat industrial part of town.
People stared at me like crazy in the restauranttattoo? Obviously American? Whatever.
Im in Heidelberg at the moment. I visited the castle yesterday, despite the cold. The rain has melted away most of the snow.
The castle was a very interesting sight to behold. Walls were ripped apart quite some time ago by cannonballs, so its somewhat of a ruin. Theyd built upon it a couple hundred years ago, and there are scaffolds here and there from construction/restoration.
Beyond that, its a glorious thing once you reach the top. You get to see Heidelberg in its entiretybeautiful
While Im just sitting here, Ill brief you all on my stay in London. No, rather, Ill write a letter to Great Britain itself.
Dear Great Britain,
Upon arriving in your glorious city, London, I had low expectations. I knew there was history aplenty, but I figured itd just be another city.
Your Underground rail system is a thing of beauty. I was able to navigate with ease, and I was able to see everything I wanted to for very little money and in very little time. Bitchin.
Piccadilly Circus was just that, an absolute circus. Still pretty cool.
Seeing Buckingham Palace was slightly over-rated.
Youve got some beautiful boys in Londonthey were everywhere! Perhaps it was because men there tend to put more effort into their appearance, or theyre just plain good-looking just because.
The women for the most part, not so muchtoo skinny.
Seeing Stonehenge was unreal. The highway nearby and the surrounding plowed fields kind of take away from the experience, but I hear youre working on that. Cant wait to come back for that!
I only really have one complaint for London, that being that driving is damn near impossible in the city! There arent any easily visible street markersJust signs tacked onto the side of a random building. Quite frustrating, especially when youre already late to the airport.
All in all, it was lovely. We shall meet again, I am sure.
Some Random Yankee

Apparently everyones been seeing me on MTVs Next. Everyone but me, that is! Blah. I hope I presented myself in a poised, respectable manner.
They mustve edited out the bit about SG. Hmthey told me theyd air it, too.

FHM held a contest with a publishing company in the hopes of finding a cover model for a Pulp novel. You can read all about it here.
I got an e-mail today telling me that Im in the top five. I dont know if the contest continues from here, or if its officially over. Either way, I got some books out of it!

Im missing him. The laughing, the kissing, the sharing, the cuddling, the dog, the general chit-chat, the love-making, the whispering, the smirking, the fucking, the caressing, the showering, the undressing, the dressing, the undressing an hour later, the adoring stares, the warmth, the wetness, the giggling, the agreeing, the disagreeing, the licking, the hand-holding, the sheet-twisting, the initial arrival, the holding, the cooking, the oral, the post-orgasm grin, the groove in his shoulder that was made for my head, the fall-asleep, the wake-up, the outings, the stay-ins, the thinking ahead, the desire for time without end, the everything.
We had a little wrestling match before I left. I totally kicked his ass, and he knows it! It was pretty hot, though. Were it not for the dog, we probably couldve fucked on the couch. But noooI suppose that prepares me for what itll be like to be a mommyTEN YEARS FROM NOW.

Ive been dreaming every night since arriving in Europe. My dreams vary from being pleasant, to being fucked up, to being confusing, etc.
I had a really, really nerdy dream about Fullmetal Alchemist. I dreamt that my brother and I were being chased by chimeras (either an animal/animal or an animal/human cross). I used alchemy to transmute a mace out of an umbrella and a stone. What the fuck?
I woke up with an undeserved feeling of self-satisfaction. It was strange, but bitchin. I need help.

I think Ive done enough damage with this update.
I apologize to those that I have not been able to reply to! My Internet time is limited, as Im being charged per hour. It aint cheap.
Pictures to come upon my reception of FREE-FUCKIN'-INTERNET.
Yeah Joe's cool. He's holding up ok all things considered, been there done that wrote the book.
You can probably still get the Calender with Audra if you wanted. She got a bunch of the other girls to sign mine for me, her comment to me was cute.
Looks a bit painful there dear...
[Edited on Feb 09, 2006 12:23AM]