Pictures from tonight's Meet and Greet/Signing!!!
Our display:
The girls...Me, Lane, LauraJean, Beretta, Candy, and Dimmi:
Lane signing a poster:
Myself, as a pirate/wench/thing:
Beautiful Dimmi:
A young fan, who we caught looking up my dress:
So...that was the evening! The other girls should have pictures up soon, hopefully...
I had fun! It was great meeting other San Diego-area SG beauties!
And, of course, it was wonderful to meet all the awesome people who came out to see us! Thanks so much to those who made the effort!
If you haven't been watching "I Love the 80s: 3D" on VH1, you should watch it. Hal Sparks is wearing an SG shirt. He should get a free lifetime membership, if he doesn't already have one.
I found this awesome picture of Renee Zellweger! Who would've thought she could look this hot?:
Renaissance Faire again tomorrow!!! According to Whipboy, who performs at various events with a six-foot bullwhip, it was better this weekend. Last weekend it was kind of...blah.
Here's me last weekend!
I'm fuckin' tired.
I got Taco Bell for dinner tonight...Soft taco, chicken quesadilla w/o sauce, bean & cheese burrito, and Nachos Bell Grande. And some Lindor Truffles...yummm...
Random shout-out to Remy. You're lovely.
Our display:


The girls...Me, Lane, LauraJean, Beretta, Candy, and Dimmi:

Lane signing a poster:

Myself, as a pirate/wench/thing:

Beautiful Dimmi:

A young fan, who we caught looking up my dress:

So...that was the evening! The other girls should have pictures up soon, hopefully...
I had fun! It was great meeting other San Diego-area SG beauties!
And, of course, it was wonderful to meet all the awesome people who came out to see us! Thanks so much to those who made the effort!
If you haven't been watching "I Love the 80s: 3D" on VH1, you should watch it. Hal Sparks is wearing an SG shirt. He should get a free lifetime membership, if he doesn't already have one.
I found this awesome picture of Renee Zellweger! Who would've thought she could look this hot?:

Renaissance Faire again tomorrow!!! According to Whipboy, who performs at various events with a six-foot bullwhip, it was better this weekend. Last weekend it was kind of...blah.
Here's me last weekend!

I'm fuckin' tired.
I got Taco Bell for dinner tonight...Soft taco, chicken quesadilla w/o sauce, bean & cheese burrito, and Nachos Bell Grande. And some Lindor Truffles...yummm...
Random shout-out to Remy. You're lovely.

Hey now don't be a hater, lol. Im good how about yourself. It was nice to meet you, and thanks for the candy.

No access to the car
Otherwise I so would have been there with you guys