Hey folks! So...I haven't been on the site much over the past month or so. Mostly I've been busy indulging other hobbies that I don't have time for during the school year. I wish I could say that's going to change and I'm gonna be on here more often meeting cool people like you and enjoying what SG has to offer, but...sadly, I've decided to cancel my account.
It's not that I haven't enjoyed the couple of months I've been a member: it's really a question of money more than anything. I had to lay out a lot of money for a music festival I'm attending with a friend in July, and unfortunately it's left me without a lot of spending money for things like my subscription.
My account will be down within a day or two, but before I go I just wanted to write a little something to say goodbye to some of the cool people I've talked to on here, like @nebula and @sundew. You are awesome and I wish you nothing but happiness and success! In particular, I wanted to give a shout out to the Ottawa folks I met at Blackheart Burlesque a couple of weeks back, especially @oracle and @heidimae. It was a pleasure to meet you both and I hope the SG community in this city has a bright future!
I may eventually return to the site, depending on my circumstances, financial and otherwise. But for now, I guess it's goodbye and thanks for all the fish!