The newest script I'm working on...

"You all know me, I'm Jack Ruby." The Dallas club owner became known worldwide for shooting Lee Harvey Oswald. These are the stories inspired by his club years.

Yeah, so basically I'm writing a story about Jack Ruby and his strip club... ahem, excuse me, burlesque club.
Sweet. Great idea. I'll meet you at the Ruby Room to discuss the project...

[Edited on Oct 17, 2003 12:54PM]
News story about my friends Beate and Trevor

Turned Away at the Border

The love story of Trevor Hughes and his fiancee began in an elementary school in the Himalayan foothills.

They were "global nomads." He was a diplomat's son. She the daughter of missionaries. They lived in Asia, attended school together, fell in love and want to get married in June.

But when Hughes'...
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That's fucked. Iit is a different country then it was four or five years ago. It's a country where fear rules (perpetrated by the government and the media) and no one is allowed to contradict our president in the public eye or they are crucified (see Dixie Chicks). I served in the Army. I went to battle twice, and in this big Bush-loving state, I can't be against a war or criticize our beloved president without backlash. As long as there is this ever-present fear, and people believe that we are always in danger of another attack, I suppose that our government can do whatever they want, whenever they want. And I'm pissed.
It's going to be a while before publishing, like six months they say.
Melissa is unconscious on the bed right now.

Our friend from Florida came to Dallas to visit. He recently returned from Sarajevo, after the shit hit the fan with his wife. Doesn't look good. We met him for lunch at Denny's. We messed around with one of those camera phones.

There's clothes in laundry. Dishes in the dishwasher. Good lazy Saturday afternoon.
Today, we found out that Melissa (my wife and partner-in-crime) is pregnant!?! Yep, we're having a baby. It looks like our son or daughter will make his/her debut sometime around May or June.

Crazy, huh? Still a little in shock. biggrin
Thanks. Too cool. This will be an interesting next few months.

[Edited on Oct 11, 2003 1:18PM]

[Edited on Oct 11, 2003 1:18PM]
I'm working on a new comic book with my friend Roxanne from Toronto. It's two stories about "childhood enemies." I'm writing one; she's writing the other. Then she's illustrating my story and I'm illustrating hers. It should be ready to print within a month or so.

I'm not a great artist. I did a comic strip and editorial cartoon for my college newspaper, but that...
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Saw the movie Lost In Translation yesterday at the Inwood. I really enjoyed it. For all the Tokyo "city noise" that was so present in the movie, the film overall was very quiet and subtle. It was the kind of movie that instead of pushing the viewer along, it allowed you to simply enjoy the trip.

I would compare Sofia Coppola to a wittier...
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Have not been to Inwood in a while, find myself at the Angelika more often these days.

Sofia is pretty special.