So far I am ten hours into my set being live and it is still pretty new to me, I especially love people loving my amazingly awesome pit bull puppy. Loving the comments but a little sad about my percentage dropping.
*shrug* it's cool though. I am just happy to be here and having this opportunity. I have more sets in mind, and one will be submitted soon. Things can only get better from here. 
I am sitting here at the shop waiting on my boyfriend to finish up an off day appointment of a close friend. The portrait of his daughter is coming together quite nicely. I'm listening to his wife and kids chatter away in the lobby in Spanish, and it only makes me wish I could speak more of it! It is such a beautiful language, and a rich culture. Not to mention the food. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
I got bored and started looking at funny things online so I added some photos for your enjoyment.

So far I am ten hours into my set being live and it is still pretty new to me, I especially love people loving my amazingly awesome pit bull puppy. Loving the comments but a little sad about my percentage dropping.

I am sitting here at the shop waiting on my boyfriend to finish up an off day appointment of a close friend. The portrait of his daughter is coming together quite nicely. I'm listening to his wife and kids chatter away in the lobby in Spanish, and it only makes me wish I could speak more of it! It is such a beautiful language, and a rich culture. Not to mention the food. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
I got bored and started looking at funny things online so I added some photos for your enjoyment.

loved your set! 

Thanks guys!