I am almost sure I broke my toe today...
I was in the bathroom getting ready for work when the phone rang in the other room... not wanting it to wake up j I ran out to get it,... sliding on the hardwood floors and catching my toe on the back of one of my pairs of shoes... I continued to run for the phone as my pinkie toe continued to go the other direction that I was...
no one was on the phone. I was pissed.
I limped for the rest of the day with REALLY bad pain... I have never broken anything so I didnt know if I actually had or not...
and if you know me and my problem with my feet... aka WONKERS... then you know the pain was TWICE as bad...
So I suffered for the whole day at work.. which I have to spend all the time on my feet and walking.. because I'm a fucking trooper like that...
but then I pussed out and took the bus home (a 10 measly blocks)...
got home. bath time... took off my shoes and socks and MY TOE WAS BLACK. fucking black. I was sure its broke... who knows... maybe it is... but fuck it... I'm not going to the doctor since they really can't do anything for broken toes...
shit. now benni's talking to me on aim and fucked up my train of thought... THANKS.
Hrm... watched GOTHIKA last nite... after about the fourth plot twist I was ENTIRELY disinterested... it was really good up until the first twist though...
Watched John Carpenters VAMPIRES tonite.. that was good..
I think I'm planning a PRINCE nite in a day or so... and evening of movies and music... should be good...
Is it just me or is Marie Calender actually god?? Have you TASTED those chicken pot pies???... got to go bake one now... buhbyes.
I was in the bathroom getting ready for work when the phone rang in the other room... not wanting it to wake up j I ran out to get it,... sliding on the hardwood floors and catching my toe on the back of one of my pairs of shoes... I continued to run for the phone as my pinkie toe continued to go the other direction that I was...
no one was on the phone. I was pissed.
I limped for the rest of the day with REALLY bad pain... I have never broken anything so I didnt know if I actually had or not...
and if you know me and my problem with my feet... aka WONKERS... then you know the pain was TWICE as bad...
So I suffered for the whole day at work.. which I have to spend all the time on my feet and walking.. because I'm a fucking trooper like that...
but then I pussed out and took the bus home (a 10 measly blocks)...
got home. bath time... took off my shoes and socks and MY TOE WAS BLACK. fucking black. I was sure its broke... who knows... maybe it is... but fuck it... I'm not going to the doctor since they really can't do anything for broken toes...
shit. now benni's talking to me on aim and fucked up my train of thought... THANKS.

Hrm... watched GOTHIKA last nite... after about the fourth plot twist I was ENTIRELY disinterested... it was really good up until the first twist though...
Watched John Carpenters VAMPIRES tonite.. that was good..
I think I'm planning a PRINCE nite in a day or so... and evening of movies and music... should be good...
Is it just me or is Marie Calender actually god?? Have you TASTED those chicken pot pies???... got to go bake one now... buhbyes.
noooooo! it'll burn yooooooou!

oh baby..I am so very sorry about your toe!!!..I am also sorry that you were an hour late for work....I will draw a bubble bath for you so you can soak..poor poor shanus
oh and look..I found yer icon...
its black eye!!!