Having "to do" lists rule - otherwise I end up fucking around on my computer all day... kinda like I am now...
I had THEE HARDEST time getting out of bed today... I was SOOOOOO comfy and SOOOOOO warm... and had such a serious case of the snuggles.
But I finally ended up making my way up and out of bed 40 minutes after I wanted to - then headed out again on the job search... dropped off apps/resumes at Victorias Secret, J.CREW, then wondered down to the Salon to see if they reviewed me yet - They said they would call me by tonite... FUCK I WANT THAT JOB SO BAD.
Blarg... off to call other places to 'follow up'
I had THEE HARDEST time getting out of bed today... I was SOOOOOO comfy and SOOOOOO warm... and had such a serious case of the snuggles.
But I finally ended up making my way up and out of bed 40 minutes after I wanted to - then headed out again on the job search... dropped off apps/resumes at Victorias Secret, J.CREW, then wondered down to the Salon to see if they reviewed me yet - They said they would call me by tonite... FUCK I WANT THAT JOB SO BAD.
Blarg... off to call other places to 'follow up'

Welcome to SG Seattle.
heya. i'm a fellpw SGSeattle-er and i was poking around your site. i'm guessing you do screen printing. if you do, i would very much like to talk to you about it. i'm trying to learn it, but i'm more of a hands-on learner i just can't seem to find anyone who knows how to do it.