Trying to work out my horoscope (with a big help from my best friend). My ascendant is Capricorn, whaa...I always believed it was Lion. But probably it's for the best, and at least I know where does my "serious" looks come from. Otherwise, I have Venus in conjonction with Mars, now that's so elegantly mythological- and so much wierd implications. And I am totally unable...
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I have a special plan for next summer..and I'll do anything for it to work out.
II need a visa, 100 dollars, a model willing to undress and a lot of self determination.
II need a visa, 100 dollars, a model willing to undress and a lot of self determination.
I'm always willing to undress for ya babe
Jesli chodzi o grudzien, to pewnie w swieta bede w Wawce, a na sylwka w Plocku.
Z jednej strony mam nadzieje, ze dostaniesz prace i bedziesz happy, ale ez drugiej jestem taka samolubna i mam nadzieje, ze jednak wpadniesz do Polski
Jesli chodzi o grudzien, to pewnie w swieta bede w Wawce, a na sylwka w Plocku.
Z jednej strony mam nadzieje, ze dostaniesz prace i bedziesz happy, ale ez drugiej jestem taka samolubna i mam nadzieje, ze jednak wpadniesz do Polski
jesli chodzi o uploadowanie fotek, to jak sobie odpalasz swoje glowna strone na SG to masz nad journalem rozne zakladki - journal, comments, group, pics, events, testimonials.
Oczywiscie wybierasz pics, tam tworzysz sobie katalog, do ktorego chcesz wrzucac zdiecia i uploadujesz foto do tego katalogu. Mam nadzieje, ze w miare sensownie to wyjasnilam XD
Oczywiscie wybierasz pics, tam tworzysz sobie katalog, do ktorego chcesz wrzucac zdiecia i uploadujesz foto do tego katalogu. Mam nadzieje, ze w miare sensownie to wyjasnilam XD
I am slowly coming back to my old self. Gawd, I didn''t think a second that would feel so good!
Funny how an ordinary guy can make a fool of a girl. Oh, I'm not saying I was an angel, or a victim. He's had his share of being manipulated too. And I'm not saying it was a bad relationship. It was great.
Yep, I...
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Funny how an ordinary guy can make a fool of a girl. Oh, I'm not saying I was an angel, or a victim. He's had his share of being manipulated too. And I'm not saying it was a bad relationship. It was great.
Yep, I...
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sometimes a little violence can be good...if its focused like martial arts.
Hope you feel better soon
Hope you feel better soon
I just have to complain: I am freakin tired. It seems that no matter for how long I clean the mess in my tiny flat, there will still be some of it left. Wierd.
Besides, I am eating chocolate and listening to Coil. Life's just too good.
Besides, I am eating chocolate and listening to Coil. Life's just too good.
Yo laska!
Odezwij sie jak bedziesz w listopadzie w Polsce to pojdziemy razem pic, mam nadzieje, ze te troche grosza na bilet do Wawy i wino to uda mi sie uzbierac przez miesiac XD
Buzka :*****
Odezwij sie jak bedziesz w listopadzie w Polsce to pojdziemy razem pic, mam nadzieje, ze te troche grosza na bilet do Wawy i wino to uda mi sie uzbierac przez miesiac XD
Buzka :*****
decode it to english
by the way im a photographer professional i could use a muse
[Edited on Oct 23, 2005 1:11PM]
by the way im a photographer professional i could use a muse
[Edited on Oct 23, 2005 1:11PM]
Geez. I've just submitted my pic. It looks wierd resized automatically by SG, and I don't feel like cropping it on photoshop- the photographer (Blackfish) knew what he did and surely wouldn't like his picture to be changed. Anyway, the picture, beside of being lovely, and being the only one existing good picture of me seen from the profile, is old. I don't have this...
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That soooo makes me wanna work as a delivery boy erm girl
Hell! You are so damn HOT!! I want to see more pics
Are in France or Poland right now?
Easy sex is so nice...yum yum.
Hell! You are so damn HOT!! I want to see more pics
Are in France or Poland right now?
Easy sex is so nice...yum yum.
Gosh, you're the sweetest person ever!
Become a delivery boy! I'll order pizza 3 times a day
I am in France now...I am coming back for holidays in december, I can hardly wait. Drinking with polish people is so much nicer^^..and there are more pretty girls in poland hehe
Become a delivery boy! I'll order pizza 3 times a day
I am in France now...I am coming back for holidays in december, I can hardly wait. Drinking with polish people is so much nicer^^..and there are more pretty girls in poland hehe
I was thinking about taking down the public page, as lately I lack motivation for all this kind of geek stuff (for example, it's been ages since I've submitted anything to my deviantArt account). Plus, i don't jave any recent photos of myself to submit. Plus, I've been thinking that, photos or not, profile or not, on a huge full of hot girls page like...
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Be active babe!!! I feel so lonely here without polish ppl
Tja tez nie mam juz sily bycia aktywna na tylu tylu stronach, jak widze ile mam komentow na DA to zalamuje rece. Czlowiek odpowiada i odpowiada, a tu ludzie komentuja i komentuja i jak tu ich nie kochac XD
A znalazlam Cie wchodzac do dzialu Hookups
Tja tez nie mam juz sily bycia aktywna na tylu tylu stronach, jak widze ile mam komentow na DA to zalamuje rece. Czlowiek odpowiada i odpowiada, a tu ludzie komentuja i komentuja i jak tu ich nie kochac XD
A znalazlam Cie wchodzac do dzialu Hookups
i want to see those darn pics damn you
*and one more hug*
*humps a pillow*
fat?? gdzie ty widzisz fat? XDDDDD Ty chyba nie wiesz co to jest fat ;P
No w kazdym razie laska jak sie patrzy, bardzo mi sie podoba ten winylkowy top co masz na pierwszym normalnie zmacaloby sie oj zmacalo
Na drugim zdieciu cale ubranko, dobranie kolorow i wszystko mi sie podoba. Uwielbaim rozowy.
A jaki kolor wlosow masz teraz? Nadal blad i roz?