I was thinking about taking down the public page, as lately I lack motivation for all this kind of geek stuff (for example, it's been ages since I've submitted anything to my deviantArt account). Plus, i don't jave any recent photos of myself to submit. Plus, I've been thinking that, photos or not, profile or not, on a huge full of hot girls page like this one, I will remain anonymous anyway. But Kodoq found me (i don't know how, there must be some way to browse this page that is still unknown to me), and somehow it was so suprising that I just had to activate. =D
I'll add a wishlist, too, Maybe some of my friends ) will find it and buy me something. Please?
I'll add a wishlist, too, Maybe some of my friends ) will find it and buy me something. Please?
Tja tez nie mam juz sily bycia aktywna na tylu tylu stronach, jak widze ile mam komentow na DA to zalamuje rece. Czlowiek odpowiada i odpowiada, a tu ludzie komentuja i komentuja i jak tu ich nie kochac XD
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