My M1 classes/exams are over by tommorow.
My hair is blue.
And I am in a relationship again. I'll spare you stories about how cute or how great he is. Cute enough and great enough to start a new thing with, that's how. He will kill me when he'll read about him being cute, hehe.
It's warm and my neighbours are listening to music with their windows open. Very loud. I hate them.
Wow. It seems it's been lightyears since my january update. Creepy things happend. A few nice things happend so I would feel the creepiness of the creepy things better. Some of those nice things have decided to transform into creepy things quite fast.
So maybe i'll just try to put myself together. The faster I'll do that, the faster this all shit is over. Or...
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So, I just wanted to state my life is faboulos.
Good time, great people, many things to do (photos to develop since november!) - I am probably as happy as a girl can be. Not that it can't get any better. It can, and I believe it will. By the way, lately I get extremely happy while I'm drunk, I seem to loose all the...
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Ciesze sie ogromnie, ze jestes szczesliwa, ze sobie radzisz i ze masz mega pozytywne nastawienie w tym nowym roku smile

Przepraszam, ze sie tak od grudnia nic nie odezwalam, ale mam teraz koniec semestru i musze sie wszystkiego na raz nauczyc - tak to jest jak sie obija caly semestr frown

Daj znac jak wywolasz te nasze wspolne fotki, ciekawi mnie czy cos z tego wyszlo smile

Buzka....a ja wracam do nauki.
glad to have you back!!!

also glad to see you happy and doing well. happy new year to you also.

rick ARRR!!!
In 8 days I'll be in Poland!
I can hardly wait biggrin .

I also have loooooads of work. But I'll add some pictures later today, I promise.

it's new years eve already, the year has gone so quickly and so many things have happened, some good and some bad.

hope you have a great new years eve!! stay safe and be careful. i look forward to talking with you next year!

{{{{{{{{{{big hugs}}}}}}}}}}


rick ARRR!!!
WOW! how about that. being told i was too old and creepy to be on someones SG friends list, responding to their journals and being on SG for only one thing, so they deleated me. frown how sad is that?? isnt that what online journals are for? isnt the site promoting just a little bit that "one thing"? ahhh tis life i guess. if anyone else is "creeped" out by me responding to their journals or the fact that im "old" please let me know....

rick ARRR!!!
People that underestimate me make me wanna stab & kill them.



...i feel much better now biggrin
I wanna stab, kill and stab again people who hate me for no reason...



Ah that would be such a nice x-mas gift tongue

Kochana powiedz mi do ktorego grudnia bedziesz w Polsce? Ja jeszcze 20stego mam jakies kolokwium i pewnie 21 tez. >_< Do ostatniej chwili beda nas na uczelni meczyc. 24 bede w Wawie u rodzinki, ale watpie, ze chcialabys sie wyrwac od wigilijnego stolu tylko po to, zeby sie ze mna spotkac wink
Fuck those people
Bad things
- It's wintertime. I hate wintertime in the South. No snow, only freezing wind and humidity, and hudge electricity bills because I have electric heating. Speaking of which, I don't think I have enough money to pay them. Ha-hah.
- This weekend was the third time in a row I had a bad trip after getting drunk. It made me sad and paranoiac...
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Could anyone buy me this: LP "Angela: Parasol" print and this: LP "Cruthes" print (my preference goes for the first one).
I'll be nice & sweet to you ever after, and ask my friends, I'm seldom nice and sweet.

One more spam email recieved. So:
Last Drink: Pu Erh vanilla mint cinnamon. Yummy!
Last Playlist: Deadchovsky
Last Alcolized Drink: Ardechoise (beer+whte wine+nut sirop.)
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Ech tez sie zakochalam tych printach jak je zobaczylam ;_;
Najchetniej to bym sobie walnela taki plakat ;P
next time i come to poland i do it
but u shoud me reaaly sweet with me
Thank for the b-day wishes! That's really really really nice
My birthday made me realize it's the last moment to become a naive, idealist, candid nice girl. I'm 22 and I have already tendencies for being a cynical asshole, it's not good. I should rather try to be sweet and innocent and become all bichy when I'm 25, don't you think?
Otherwise, I've realized lately...
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Super jest to czarno biale zdjecie!! smile
You are really looking happy with your beer. wink

Nice picture. smile
Guess what guess what! I got this "20 things about you" thingy too. Via mail. But well...i copy&paste:

1.The next two books I will buy will probably be Bibles: one in french, one in english. I already got a polish one. .
2. The jobs of almost all members of my family have to do with economy/comptability.
3. I'm really, really gifted when it comes...
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Troszke spoznione Happy Birthday !

Punk 16 to zupelnie jak ja ;P
Uwielbiam te "powiedz mi 20 rzeczy o sobie" tyle sie mozna dowiedziec o ludziach love
Trying to work out my horoscope (with a big help from my best friend). My ascendant is Capricorn, whaa...I always believed it was Lion. But probably it's for the best, and at least I know where does my "serious" looks come from. Otherwise, I have Venus in conjonction with Mars, now that's so elegantly mythological- and so much wierd implications. And I am totally unable...
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i want to see those darn pics damn you wink

*and one more hug*
O kurcze fooootki love

*humps a pillow*

fat?? gdzie ty widzisz fat? XDDDDD Ty chyba nie wiesz co to jest fat ;P

No w kazdym razie laska jak sie patrzy, bardzo mi sie podoba ten winylkowy top co masz na pierwszym zdieciu...no normalnie zmacaloby sie oj zmacalo wink
Na drugim zdieciu cale ubranko, dobranie kolorow i wszystko mi sie podoba. Uwielbaim rozowy.

A jaki kolor wlosow masz teraz? Nadal blad i roz?