2007 marks the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the British slave trade. As Britain was the primary naval power at the time this effectively began the process of making the trading of human lives illegal around the world. The United States followed suit with their own ban in 1808 (it is important to note that this was planned into law 20 years earlier in...
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Sometimes you hear something so wonderful that you are afraid to tell anyone about it because you are scared if you do so that the beauty of it will escape elusively through your grasping hands and that the magic will be lost forever. That happened to me tonight and I am only going to risk saying a few more words before I sign off. I...
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Robert Burns is one of my favorite poets and I often find myself reading his works for the enjoyment that it brings me. He is a Scottish poet, some would say "the" Scottish poet and of course that can only make me like him more. It is tradition to fete his poetry and accomplishments on or around the anniversary of his birthday, January 25th. I...
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Thanks for the comment on my new set!
Lately I have been incredibly lucky with the quality of the films I've watched. I'm becoming apprehensive that this streak will end, but for now I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Most recently I saw Pan's Labyrinth at the AFI in Silver Spring. Directed and written by Guillermo del Toro (Hellboy, The Devil's Backbone), it is Mexico's nomination to the best foreign picture category for the Academy...
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A response to "The Quiz" by Hello Saferide:
You are gorgeous tonight
and I dig that you ask me these questions
as if you really wanted to know my answers
And you are far too kind
when it comes to my music and domestic charms
but you really should give sci-fi more of a chance
There is a story here too and its not all...
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You are gorgeous tonight
and I dig that you ask me these questions
as if you really wanted to know my answers
And you are far too kind
when it comes to my music and domestic charms
but you really should give sci-fi more of a chance
There is a story here too and its not all...
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thank you for the thoughtful comment, that was really sweet
xoxo kl

xoxo kl
It is a testament to the human will to hope that even in the least hopeful of times gifted people find the heart to produce beautiful music. Some may even say that is the very reason the music is made; to make lightness out of darkness. I know that I am always grateful for it. Though it may just be my youthful readings of fantasy...
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Wow, so Mr. Echo is dead, I didn't think it would happen so soon, especially after he almost died so recently as lunch for a polar bear. Oh well, just goes to show you that...
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Wow, so Mr. Echo is dead, I didn't think it would happen so soon, especially after he almost died so recently as lunch for a polar bear. Oh well, just goes to show you that...
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Dude the last 3 minutes killed me.... I love that guy.
In the words of Hurley... "Stay alive dude"... i was shocked.

In the words of Hurley... "Stay alive dude"... i was shocked.
So I noticed you dug the last bailey set! If you are interested you can read about behind the scenes info in my Oct. 31st journal entry. So did you notice the burning car? Most people mised it. Its our fun little "plant".
Two crazy Halloween parties, Old Friends, and Daylight Savings Time all add up to one wild night that I won't forget anytime soon. Hanging out in my kilt and my Scotland National Football team jersey only added to the good times. It was funny, I mean I was supposedly dressed up as Scottish Football Hooligan, but in many ways last night I was able to...
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Thanks for your comment on my last set!

Didn't think I would be returning here when I left, but nothing remains the same and life can really throw great curve balls, so here I am, back, and I have to say I love what's changed (for the most part) and there are enough new features here to keep me up all night (which is a very dangerous thing). Anyway, it will be good...
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OMGZ ...black chicken and the ninja mouse!
The new adventures of...would be a totally sweet comic strip, totally wood dude, totally
November 6, 2003, Halloween has past and I witnessed the end to the Matrix trilogy last night with some of my best friends. The best way I could describe it would be to say it couldn't have ended any other way. And as for Halloween that was a blast too, went down to Fell's Points to see everyone in costume then to a friend's party...
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Happy birthday bitch!
Welcome back asshat!