Anyone who says money can't buy you happiness, doesn't know where to shop
And they certainly haven't been to Toronto, which is one of THE best places on the planet to go shopping!
Right now the last week seems like a dream to be honest, being back home amongst all things familiar it feels as though I've never been away.
But anyway here's a bit of an update (look away now if you don't want to see ridiculous amounts of shoes and cute animals *lol*)
Firstly a bit of a whinge... bloody kids on planes, for fucksake either control your little brats or don't travel with them. It's not fair on other paying passengers when your 'little darlings' are running around the plane being a total nuisance and you can't even be arsed to control them, bad enough on a short flight let alone 7 hours! Same goes for people with sodding screaming babies! If it's too damned young to be quiet then you shouldn't bloody travel with it. I don't want to be subjected to constant screaming. Maybe airlines should have a special section that they charge more where parents can go that the rest of us don't have to put up with their damned offspring. If it was a barking dog you'd soon complain, why should a screaming brat be any different?
Anyway, whinge over.
The hotel was lovely. One of the best beds I've ever slept in. I was seriously tempted to steal the bed... well if I had a crane and a big truck to hoist it off out of the window in *lol* Must confess for its price it still wasn't as good room wise as the cheaper place we stayed in in Ottawa last year which ended up being a suite rather than just a room and it wasn't anywhere near as pricey! But for location it was amazing, a whole underground maze of shops beneath it and connections to the subway and the eaton centre, so you never even had to venture outside if you didn't want to. Which was handy on the couple of days we did have rain, instant route to the Eaton Centre and of course Mr GreenJeans for cocktails, where we spent a couple of afternoons just chilling after a hard days shopping
A view of the water fall
A couple of pics of the hotel lobby
some strange girl loitering around infront of the waterfall
No trip to Toronto would of course be complete without a trip to the zoo, and we had an absolutely gorgeous day out there on the monday. Oh and there was loads of babies there this time
Including 2 beautiful tiger cubs, a baby gorilla and best of all a baby orang. Oh so adorable, how anyone thinks human babies are cute I don't know. The little orang was just the sweetest thing ever
One day I'd love to go to Borneo and work with the orangs out there. Even if it was just a working holiday, I think it would be an incredible experience, but at least for now I can adopt a few
Warning much cute fluffiness follows
I only wish this pic was better, sadly the glass and indoor enclosure makes it hard to get a good shot.
snoozy bear
cute pygmy hippo
always a huge favourite of mine and always great for photos
some of the scenery
We also took a trip to the very beautiful Casa Loma, a real full-size castle. The 98-room, medieval-style real castle, complete with turrets, secret passages, and award-winning gardens, built by Sir Henry Mill Pellatt between 1911 and 1915. (It took 300 men and about $3,500,000 to complete, and tragically, Pellatt was only able to enjoy it for 10 years before losing it because of financial misfortune.)
external pics
how great would it be to do a photo shoot in here
and in these rooms
my mother would love this room (she collects wedgewood)
oh its that dodgy bird again
Oh and I dragged the missus to the Bata Shoe Museum as well
Hey even he said the historical shoes were interesting, although I had to buy him a beer at the bar next door afterwards to rest his own poor tootsies
shoes glorious shoes
some of my favourites
how scary are these, shoes belonging to chinese women who'd had their feet bound! Apparently their adult feet were smaller than those of a 6 yr old girl!
Platforms anyone
And I thought my shoes could be scary sometimes *lol*
even i have to say these are some cute booties :-D
some beautiful examples of historical craftsmanship of the 17th and 18th centuries
the most gorgeous manolo's
and these are just blingtastic *lol* Glam glitter rock!
It's been a great week, and I've come home tired but happy. The only bad thing I have to say is that Canada is a pretty sucky place to be a vegetarian. Makes a change for the UK to be way ahead of somewhere but when it comes to vege food we rock, thank god for Linda Mac, realeat and quorn!
But I'll leave you with this last pic
Goth Squirrel!!

And they certainly haven't been to Toronto, which is one of THE best places on the planet to go shopping!
Right now the last week seems like a dream to be honest, being back home amongst all things familiar it feels as though I've never been away.
But anyway here's a bit of an update (look away now if you don't want to see ridiculous amounts of shoes and cute animals *lol*)
Firstly a bit of a whinge... bloody kids on planes, for fucksake either control your little brats or don't travel with them. It's not fair on other paying passengers when your 'little darlings' are running around the plane being a total nuisance and you can't even be arsed to control them, bad enough on a short flight let alone 7 hours! Same goes for people with sodding screaming babies! If it's too damned young to be quiet then you shouldn't bloody travel with it. I don't want to be subjected to constant screaming. Maybe airlines should have a special section that they charge more where parents can go that the rest of us don't have to put up with their damned offspring. If it was a barking dog you'd soon complain, why should a screaming brat be any different?
Anyway, whinge over.
The hotel was lovely. One of the best beds I've ever slept in. I was seriously tempted to steal the bed... well if I had a crane and a big truck to hoist it off out of the window in *lol* Must confess for its price it still wasn't as good room wise as the cheaper place we stayed in in Ottawa last year which ended up being a suite rather than just a room and it wasn't anywhere near as pricey! But for location it was amazing, a whole underground maze of shops beneath it and connections to the subway and the eaton centre, so you never even had to venture outside if you didn't want to. Which was handy on the couple of days we did have rain, instant route to the Eaton Centre and of course Mr GreenJeans for cocktails, where we spent a couple of afternoons just chilling after a hard days shopping

A view of the water fall

A couple of pics of the hotel lobby

some strange girl loitering around infront of the waterfall

No trip to Toronto would of course be complete without a trip to the zoo, and we had an absolutely gorgeous day out there on the monday. Oh and there was loads of babies there this time

Warning much cute fluffiness follows
I only wish this pic was better, sadly the glass and indoor enclosure makes it hard to get a good shot.

snoozy bear

cute pygmy hippo

always a huge favourite of mine and always great for photos

some of the scenery

We also took a trip to the very beautiful Casa Loma, a real full-size castle. The 98-room, medieval-style real castle, complete with turrets, secret passages, and award-winning gardens, built by Sir Henry Mill Pellatt between 1911 and 1915. (It took 300 men and about $3,500,000 to complete, and tragically, Pellatt was only able to enjoy it for 10 years before losing it because of financial misfortune.)
external pics

how great would it be to do a photo shoot in here

and in these rooms

my mother would love this room (she collects wedgewood)

oh its that dodgy bird again

Oh and I dragged the missus to the Bata Shoe Museum as well

shoes glorious shoes
some of my favourites

how scary are these, shoes belonging to chinese women who'd had their feet bound! Apparently their adult feet were smaller than those of a 6 yr old girl!

Platforms anyone

even i have to say these are some cute booties :-D


some beautiful examples of historical craftsmanship of the 17th and 18th centuries

the most gorgeous manolo's

and these are just blingtastic *lol* Glam glitter rock!

It's been a great week, and I've come home tired but happy. The only bad thing I have to say is that Canada is a pretty sucky place to be a vegetarian. Makes a change for the UK to be way ahead of somewhere but when it comes to vege food we rock, thank god for Linda Mac, realeat and quorn!
But I'll leave you with this last pic
Goth Squirrel!!

and the shoes!!!!!
i completely agree about the screaming kids. same goes for everywhere though. i hate the little shits that run up to you in the supermarket and hit you.