Ok so i've been a busy modelling bunny lately
so here's another couple of pics
I recently completed a new set of shots for the
Drac In A Box Lolita range, (yes i do model quite a lot of their lolita stuff
) and amongst them was this absolutely stunning velvet coat. Seeing as the coat is now up online i'm sure Carmilla won't mind me sharing these shots with you all
(pic by Different Light, copyright Dracinabox)
(and yeah there is more to come
April was a ridiculously busy month one way or another, my next big modelling job will be for the lovely Madame Le Goth which shouldn't be for a little while yet whilst i wait for the clothing, although i've now seen one of my outfits and its uber cute
But hopefully this month i'll be able to concentrate on the Sylph site, 20 new necklaces have been made up, photographed and edited to go up on the site, just currently working on the earring range, although i could launch it in its current stage i'd rather wait until its all readly to go
Plus it looks like i could have some companies interested in stocking a range of my designs

I recently completed a new set of shots for the
Drac In A Box Lolita range, (yes i do model quite a lot of their lolita stuff

(pic by Different Light, copyright Dracinabox)
(and yeah there is more to come

April was a ridiculously busy month one way or another, my next big modelling job will be for the lovely Madame Le Goth which shouldn't be for a little while yet whilst i wait for the clothing, although i've now seen one of my outfits and its uber cute

you're such a cutie, you remind me of christina ricci