I wanted to thank people for the over whelming response i've had to the first set of necklaces that went up online. In less than 24 hours i've sold 5 pieces and have had a hell of a lot of interest
thanks people, you don't know how much it means to me. I've been making jewellery for awhile now on either a comission basis or for myself and friends but this has been my first real commercial foray and it seems to have been a big success
For a long time in the past i put my own dreams and plans on the back burner to benefit other people, now i've started to remember the things i want for myself and it's wonderful to know that other people really like what i do as well. So again i thank you.
this little piece is the last of the exclusives up for grabs now
so you know where to go if you're interested
There's much more stuff to come, some of it exclusive one offs others will be made to order. And just to give you a hint of other styles this is an example of some jet bead work i've done that will be available to order also (excuse bad snap shot this time)

thanks people, you don't know how much it means to me. I've been making jewellery for awhile now on either a comission basis or for myself and friends but this has been my first real commercial foray and it seems to have been a big success

this little piece is the last of the exclusives up for grabs now

so you know where to go if you're interested
There's much more stuff to come, some of it exclusive one offs others will be made to order. And just to give you a hint of other styles this is an example of some jet bead work i've done that will be available to order also (excuse bad snap shot this time)
