Do you ever get the feeling that time is rushing past and staying still all at once? Every little moment seems poignant, drawn out, encapsulated, every little moment carefully examined, slowly breathed in, deeply felt. Everything seems crystallized but before you can blink the moment has disappeared into a stream of little moments becoming days and weeks and months and all the while your cells are regenerating themselves and your perspective is changing and you're looking back at the person you were.

My toes were on the edge, there was no safety net, no back up strategy, and no exit plan but I decided to jump anyway and hope that the universe would catch me.
Spring is here making rainbows behind my eyelashes and solar flares in my heart. Everything is drenched in sunshine, everything is new and fragile, everything is growing.

I made a trip to a creepy little museum and an observatory overlooking a city

My toes were on the edge, there was no safety net, no back up strategy, and no exit plan but I decided to jump anyway and hope that the universe would catch me.
Spring is here making rainbows behind my eyelashes and solar flares in my heart. Everything is drenched in sunshine, everything is new and fragile, everything is growing.

I made a trip to a creepy little museum and an observatory overlooking a city
I've been living in the kitchen
& I've been spending a lot of time in Babetown USA
A new hopeful coming soon
So far so good.
Alright well I'm off into the world now.
Until next time,
Callioppe signing out.
also the museum even though creepy must be amazing to visit!