Fall is here in all of its crisp nostalgia and smoke scented twilight. My palate is ready for spiced ciders, the earthy aroma of sage, chai teas, root vegetables, stews, yeasty fresh breads, and all the other wonderful food memories that this time of year brings back for me. I am always so excited by the change of the seasons even if I live in California and the change is mild, something about the air and atmosphere always sends my head into the clouds.
Last night I went to a Neon Indian show with Fahad and we danced ourselves into an altered state
I've been spending lots of time with text books, learning about carpaccios, minimum internal temperatures, braising, emulsifying, and the difference between Robusta and Arabica coffee beans
Food is such an integral part of my being right now that I have been dreaming about it
And speaking of dreams a friend sent me this interesting video
"The function of dreams may be to prepare us for space." Is, I think, my favorite new dream theory.
I've been lurking fabric stores for Halloween costume projects
Feeding my sweet tooth
Getting my back piece worked on
(and sneaking TTC pictures)
Admiring the internal goings ons of electronic devices
& we recently finished another mannequin head, meet Geraldine and Pierre
Geraldine is a square wave optical theremin and Pierre is a quad oscillator. Fahad recorded them talking to one another
Alright space cadets, Callioppe signing out. Until next time.
Last night I went to a Neon Indian show with Fahad and we danced ourselves into an altered state

I've been spending lots of time with text books, learning about carpaccios, minimum internal temperatures, braising, emulsifying, and the difference between Robusta and Arabica coffee beans

Food is such an integral part of my being right now that I have been dreaming about it

And speaking of dreams a friend sent me this interesting video
"The function of dreams may be to prepare us for space." Is, I think, my favorite new dream theory.
I've been lurking fabric stores for Halloween costume projects

Feeding my sweet tooth

Getting my back piece worked on

(and sneaking TTC pictures)

Admiring the internal goings ons of electronic devices

& we recently finished another mannequin head, meet Geraldine and Pierre

Geraldine is a square wave optical theremin and Pierre is a quad oscillator. Fahad recorded them talking to one another
Alright space cadets, Callioppe signing out. Until next time.

Aww your soo beautiful, cake looks lovely as well as your back peice. xo
Hope all is well. I'm sure school is keeping you very busy.