Last week I was invited to [MEMBER=Sean's] house to lounge by the pool and hang out with some familiar faces such as Venom (who was kind enough to allow me to jump into her car), Milloux, Exning, and the new faces of, Valhala , Elliot, and Flux. Sean lives in a little sanctuary in the middle of a busy city, with his sweet little pup named Penny. His house is enclosed by hunter green foliage and magenta bougainvillea and squirrels prance around, chasing each other on telephone wires. It is all very beautiful.

I have started a new obsession in the form of Futurist Photography with the help of Wanda Wulz and Anton Giulio Arturo Bragaglia
Futurism came into being with the appearance of a manifesto published by the poet Filippo Marinetti on the front page of the February 20, 1909, issue of Le Figaro. It was the very first manifesto of this kind.
Marinetti summed up the major principles of the Futurists. He and others espoused a love of speed, technology and violence. Futurism was presented as a modernist movement celebrating the technological, future era. The car, the plane, the industrial town were representing the motion in modern life and the technological triumph of man over nature. Some of these ideas, specially the use of modern materials and technique, were taken up later by Marcel Duchamp (French, 1887-1968), the cubist, the constructivist and the dadaist.
Yesterday I got home from a trip to Vegas with my favorite boy to celebrate a quarter of a century of his existence.
Well that is all for me. Tell me what is new in your lives?
Until next time,
xoxo C.