How to: Create a Carnivorous Plant Terrarium
1. Find/ buy a container for your terrarium. I had an old aquarium tank in my garage that I cleaned off and decided to use but a fish bowl, or even a two liter bottle with a space cut out will work.

2. Check out your local nursery or gardening section of Target/Home depot/ etc

3. Pick the plants you would like to use & make sure they will cohabitate nicely together. For example put plants that need the same amount of water/ light/ humidity together like desert plants, or tropical ones.
I chose a maiden's hair fern & a young umbrella plant, to live together with my pitcher plant, octopus plant, and venus fly trap.

4. If you decide to use carnivorous plants in your terrarium make sure to pick up a couple liters of DISTILLED water (not purified because this contains too many minerals and will kill the carnivores) also get some Perlite, Sphagnum Moss, & some medium sized pebbles.

5. Create an even layer of pebbles in the bottom of your container, this will help with drainage and aeration.

6. Next add the Perlite and mix until there is an even mixture.

7. Add the moss in a layer on top of this, and thoroughly soak the moss with distilled water.

8. Before taking the plants out of their containers, arrange them in your container the way you think you would like them

9. Take the plants out of their containers one at a time and plant them where you would like. Make sure to massage the root system until they feel loose. Let any dirt that falls off from around the root fall into the hole you have created in the moss of your plants, continue the process until all of your new friends have been planted.

10. Love and care for your plants! They are much cleaner, quieter, and less needy than children or animals.

1. Find/ buy a container for your terrarium. I had an old aquarium tank in my garage that I cleaned off and decided to use but a fish bowl, or even a two liter bottle with a space cut out will work.

2. Check out your local nursery or gardening section of Target/Home depot/ etc

3. Pick the plants you would like to use & make sure they will cohabitate nicely together. For example put plants that need the same amount of water/ light/ humidity together like desert plants, or tropical ones.
I chose a maiden's hair fern & a young umbrella plant, to live together with my pitcher plant, octopus plant, and venus fly trap.

4. If you decide to use carnivorous plants in your terrarium make sure to pick up a couple liters of DISTILLED water (not purified because this contains too many minerals and will kill the carnivores) also get some Perlite, Sphagnum Moss, & some medium sized pebbles.

5. Create an even layer of pebbles in the bottom of your container, this will help with drainage and aeration.

6. Next add the Perlite and mix until there is an even mixture.

7. Add the moss in a layer on top of this, and thoroughly soak the moss with distilled water.

8. Before taking the plants out of their containers, arrange them in your container the way you think you would like them

9. Take the plants out of their containers one at a time and plant them where you would like. Make sure to massage the root system until they feel loose. Let any dirt that falls off from around the root fall into the hole you have created in the moss of your plants, continue the process until all of your new friends have been planted.

10. Love and care for your plants! They are much cleaner, quieter, and less needy than children or animals.

This is so cool Im going to create my own little carnivores plant world. I just love this kind of stuff thanks for the inspiration!
You have taught me something new.....and it is awesome, thank you, your sexy and kickass