Hi bats & SGland!
@porphyria & @drave - in my ultimate favorite set ever 🖤
Feeling super nostalgic today I start to remember when I was a young lady seeing my suicide girls inspirations! I need to confess that is a shame that I can’t remember all my favorites girls names but in my mind I still remember the super hard core sets! Sometimes I miss those days.
@radeo - love everything about this girl
I was to young to have a international credit card so I used to use my friend @muniz account haha he was too nice sharing with me. I used to spend whole weekends searching for new girls to admire. By the time I didn't have my own computer so I used to have a secret file under another thousands files to hide some favorite photo haha
@yuki - this set is soooooo cute!
This sets and this girls made me what I’m today, they give me the strength to be how I am truly are without fear. I’m super thankful for be here with this powerful girls that I admire so much since I was only a teenager.
@quinne - just perfect face and perfect hair
If someone in the past said to me that I would be part of this I definitely wouldn’t believe. Is a dream to be here.
@venom - my goddess
Thank u @QUINNE @RADEO @VENOM @DRAVE @PORPHYRIA & @YUKI for be so inspiring to me!
Thank you all for the love, specially @missy and @rambo!
All my love,
C a l l i n a
Bites! 🦇