Isn't painting, or any art work supose to be enjoyable or relaxing? Yeah- not for me, I'm such a perfectionist that I hate what I'm doing, the only thing saving it is that I know that my dad and step mom will love it. See, they are renuing their vows this month after being married for 20 years. I got a picture for their orriginal wedding and decided to do a water color of it. My mom says that it looks good, but I hate it. What ever- they'll like it and I guess that's what matters.
So someone tell me something... something intresting, anything!!!!!
So someone tell me something... something intresting, anything!!!!!

but I find it more of a gift because it forces you to keep pushing yourself artistically
I have yet to draw or create anything that I am satisfied with and I have come to the conflusion that I never will.
Interesting, when I was a kid I use to be a turkey thief