I hate things sometimes. Some shit can be really fucking stupid and complicated. Sometimes I wonder why I'm as nice as I am. I am taking a new vow... I don't think that I'm giving people a 2nd chance anymore! That's it! You fuck up, you can fuck off! That's going to be my new mantra! I think that I'm really on to something here. I think that I need a mental lift... I pretty much hate people right now, like the majority of them. I think that my fuse is a little shorter right now for some odd reason. Last night I stopped at a pool hall to say Hi to some friends on my way home from no-where, and there were just anoying, stupid, drunk, ugly, jack asses everywhere! I couldn't hang... I had to leave. I really wanted to start jabbing people in the eye with my keys. I was offered a knife by my friend JP, but I didn't want it I wanted to use my keys it seemed like it would be more fun that way. See- I'm really a fucked up kid. This is why I used to work with the dead... because they were DEAD! Dead people are not anoying and stupid... they're dead and just lay there and you can just do you job. Perhaps I would have more friends if they were dead. OK not really that a little over the edge even for me. But I still hate people!!!!!

K, Bye...
I write stuff too...check my last few journal entries...