I loath Tim Eyman and everything he stands for. First he had to fuck with our transportation, now he's fucking with the gays and their rights. Not for any higher purpose but because he can make a pay check sponsering citizens initiatives. This kind of thing should be a high crime but the fuck gets away with it. I despise him utterly and the mockery...
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I went on a pilgrimage last night. A solemn trip that ever herbalist must take at some point. I went and saw laser floyd. Leave the muslims to their hajj, I had The Wall at serious deceibal-age with a god damn laser light show. It was pretty sweet but I feel like shit right now. The odd cocktail of Caffiene, nicotine, thc, alcohol and adreniline...
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Sounds awesome.
my boobs have been feeling shy lately? i don't know.
I've been crazy busy. Working 11-12 hours a day some days, haven't had a day off in two weeks. A buddy of mine I aint seen in two years rolled into town and been spending freetime with him. His friend he brought is so amazingly flamboyant. I can't believe he lives in idaho.
They want me to take pictures of him today because he wants...
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They want me to take pictures of him today because he wants...
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Damn right you are -- Coffee IS the Nectar of the gods!!!
(this of course coming from a down and out coffee addict)
(this of course coming from a down and out coffee addict)

I had a birthday the otherday. Went out for steak. Was shamed at claim jumpers when I couldn't finish the 24oz prime rib I ordered. Prolly all those white russians I was drinking. I've finished the 24oz prime there before but wasn't drinking and didn't load up on bread and sides. My mistake. There will be a rematch though....sons of bitches. Pretty decent place for...
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So nothing on that video? No demos involed in towers 1, 2, or 7?
Awe thanks. I haven't done anything in so super long. I findit funny how people still leave me comments about it. It totally makes my day though. Thank you.
I'm still piecing together last night. I was incredibly drunk and (despite all predictions to the contrary) didn't throw up last night. That prolly had something to do with the three different people I blazed out with. Everything was going great until for reasons still not clear to me (I was badly inebriated) a fight broke out. Some douche I aint never seen before got...
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check this out. not the video I was looking for but still pretty good.
I don't really understand your argument.
Are you saying that there are no unanswered questions? I'm not trying to be a dick but building 7 was pulled down by demolitions, the owner said so. so FEMA is covering something up. And NORAD is either incompetant or complicit. If you can debunk that enlighten me. Again not trying to be a dick but if you make an argument with one group of people please have the courtesy to repeat it to another.
Further the evidence, which is new to me about the freefall nature of the towers matched with the firefighters testimony of the "boom boom boom boom" seems to point to demolitions. they could have been there to prevent the building falling over. some say that to prevent the towers from falling over a system was put in place after the 93 bombing. if so the cover up could be to prevent a law suit. but honestly there are unanswered questions.
If you can answer them I'd be very happy and would share the information.
Are you saying that there are no unanswered questions? I'm not trying to be a dick but building 7 was pulled down by demolitions, the owner said so. so FEMA is covering something up. And NORAD is either incompetant or complicit. If you can debunk that enlighten me. Again not trying to be a dick but if you make an argument with one group of people please have the courtesy to repeat it to another.
Further the evidence, which is new to me about the freefall nature of the towers matched with the firefighters testimony of the "boom boom boom boom" seems to point to demolitions. they could have been there to prevent the building falling over. some say that to prevent the towers from falling over a system was put in place after the 93 bombing. if so the cover up could be to prevent a law suit. but honestly there are unanswered questions.
If you can answer them I'd be very happy and would share the information.
I fucking love it when people leave mother fucking profanities in my journal
Anti-smoking legislation sucks cock

Anti-smoking legislation sucks cock
Fuck. Everthing was going fine. I blazed out three times. I got shitty drink. We aint shrimp and ribs. Idyllic now? Some people fought and stephan backed up some douch off the street instead fo his homey. Holy fuck. So said homey came back with gas to (supoosely) burn his house door. Cops got him fort Dui......can't believe somebody called on him. HOly fuck, bad...
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I have a burning desire to go hiking right now but lack the equipment needed to do so in the winter. During the summer I roughed it. I slept with a tarp and a blanket and rested my head on a tree root. If it rained I had the tarp. If it got a bit chilly I had the blanket. But in the winter that...
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You have to hike all that food out there.
And a tarp and a blanket really is roughing it...
And a tarp and a blanket really is roughing it...
rum is my favorite. straight. unaltered, and in a short glass. (no ice) yum.
So the restraunt where I work is shutting down. The 31rst is our last day. And it turns out that since the manager is a lazy fuck, we aren't even throwing a new years eve bash. I was stunned.
Work was fairly decently busy yesterday. But that was draining. Its like fighting a war when the generals have already surrendered. Whats the point.
So after...
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Work was fairly decently busy yesterday. But that was draining. Its like fighting a war when the generals have already surrendered. Whats the point.
So after...
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That's good to know. I like pain.