Moving today. Finally getting my own place. And at 22, its about time. Spent so much time at my buddy's house and became such an integral part of the party that they asked me to just be a roommate when they found a new house. So. Here we are. Split level, 4 bedroom, 2 living room, bath and half. I decided to convert the bottom living room into a bedroom. More space, cable already wired in, and a fireplace. Four roommates means bills wont be so bad. And we'll have some good times together. We'll have some fucked up drama that we'll only bring down upon ourselves but thats a given. And hopefully the goodtimes will make it all worth it.
We christen the place with a party in about a weeks time or so depending on when we get settled.
Res Ispa Loquiter. Let the Good Times Roll.
Valis is playing tonight at the Sunset Tavern in Ballard. Hell Yeah.
We christen the place with a party in about a weeks time or so depending on when we get settled.
Res Ispa Loquiter. Let the Good Times Roll.
Valis is playing tonight at the Sunset Tavern in Ballard. Hell Yeah.
yes, well, in desperate situations we must take what we can get. 

Who is that last hottie you posted in the Excuse for PaulNikon thread?