(WARNING: rant and other wierdness)
As if I didn't have enough on my hands already.. I have "adopted" an orphaned litter of kittens- they are about 3 weeks old I think... it didn't seem like they were being taken care of well enough -their owner said he didn't go around them much becuase he didn't want to get attached & they were closed in an attic room with no litter box and dried dog crap all over the floor.
Their mom died last week ..probably from malnuitrition or something since she was maybe a year old at the most, thin as a rail, and on her third litter of kittens (she got pregnant with this last litter while still nursing the earlier litter)
It was creepy though because when I first met the kittens when their mother was still alive (they had just opened theur eyes), out of nowhere my husband starts going off about taking them home and asking if I was willing to put that kind of effort into taking carwe of unweaned kittens- so I look at him finny as ask why the hell he would want to take kittens away from their mother. He looked confused and didn';t say anything after that.. and now their mother is dead, and I am taking care of them.
As if I didn't have enough on my hands already.. I have "adopted" an orphaned litter of kittens- they are about 3 weeks old I think... it didn't seem like they were being taken care of well enough -their owner said he didn't go around them much becuase he didn't want to get attached & they were closed in an attic room with no litter box and dried dog crap all over the floor.
Their mom died last week ..probably from malnuitrition or something since she was maybe a year old at the most, thin as a rail, and on her third litter of kittens (she got pregnant with this last litter while still nursing the earlier litter)
It was creepy though because when I first met the kittens when their mother was still alive (they had just opened theur eyes), out of nowhere my husband starts going off about taking them home and asking if I was willing to put that kind of effort into taking carwe of unweaned kittens- so I look at him finny as ask why the hell he would want to take kittens away from their mother. He looked confused and didn';t say anything after that.. and now their mother is dead, and I am taking care of them.

Just what this wounded kittie ( or should I say mature cat) needs right now.
As for our design perspective..'Vive le differance' I say. But I think I did mention I have fairly catholic taste. I don't detest any style, it's more about places, time and current moods. My apartment i n Berlin
was way out contemporary and I did a 60's retro flat in London. In my Moscow "Starlin" flat it was very traditional Russian with antiques everywhere. My current batchelor abode is more like a reading room....quite boring but ideal for the aspiring writer.
If money was no object, what would be your ideal design theme for a client like me? And please don't say a cardboard box.