Well the last two months have been an adventure. The ERAHC Classic went great, we got high-point of the dressage, reserve champion half-andalusian mare and pretty much cleaned house from reining to hunt seat hack. YAY Sadie mare!
New York was a different story. My poor pony had a flare up of his ulcers (who is the genius who put the dressage championships next to...
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New York was a different story. My poor pony had a flare up of his ulcers (who is the genius who put the dressage championships next to...
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Well, I finally got my eternal knot tattoo yesterday. It's about 5 years overdue and I'm thrilled with how it turned out. My only hope now is that Mike, one of my fav people and the only tattoo artist I will go to, makes a speedy return to health. He's been battling cancer this summer and I'm amazed that he still not only works, but...
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Best wishes to Mike as well!
Can't wait to see the new ink! New equipment will be ordered next week; let me know when the competition craziness is over! Break a leg!
Can't wait to see the new ink! New equipment will be ordered next week; let me know when the competition craziness is over! Break a leg!
All the best with the upcoming competition!!
I return to the land of post-qualifier living to be reminded..I have a new set going live on SG today!
I can't believe that I got so caught up in training and school and more training and competing that I lost track of which day this went up!! OOPS!
The competition was a great success...The Doodle and Sadie both made me proud and I now...
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The competition was a great success...The Doodle and Sadie both made me proud and I now...
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Miss Calista!!! I wanted to tell you that your set is truly unique and beautiful and unassuming and sweet and I just Loved Loved Loved it!!! I am also stunned to find you as a fellow horse-person which is glorious!!! I hope everyone else will love this set as much as I do, you should sooo be an SG. I too am studying away, so back to the books and Good Luck!!!
I liked your set. You are really cute!
Love your name, by the way.
Love your name, by the way.
Exam Cram
Hopeful Set
Well, results are in and my GPA is 3.98! WOOHOO! THAT was a tough but rewarding semester. Never again will I sign up for SIX Master's level classes at the same time.
I got one A- but it was a class I was convinced I would fail, so I really can't complain at all!
Speaking of exams and school..when trying to come up with an...
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Speaking of exams and school..when trying to come up with an...
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"Just lookit that Forrest Gump. Look retarded. Act retarded. Not retarded."
Oh god, and the dance scene!
Awesome indeed. I still have to actually watch it (as opposed to just having it on while shooting the sexy co-ed.)
Oh god, and the dance scene!
Awesome indeed. I still have to actually watch it (as opposed to just having it on while shooting the sexy co-ed.)
Tropic Thunder is FINALLY coming tomorrow from Netflix
What's the countdown, by the way?

This has been an interesting week on so many levels..Exams are finally over and it looks like I'll be keeping my scholarship..YIPPEE!!!! I can not wait to be done with my Masters and take a break from it all! Hopefully the job market will be better in a year and this won't all be for nothing...
I finally got up to the track this week..and...
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I finally got up to the track this week..and...
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I'm so glad that you got to keep your scholarship too and that you'll have some time off to enjoy now. Thanks for another glimpse into your horse racing world. I love the name Arbordoodle. I also love to be bathed, massaged, and fed donuts too.
I have one of those jobs that is SOOO full of bull shit that I'm glad I own several pairs of boots. And speaking of boots; I'm told that since my right one leaks I should only get my left one wet....Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!? But anyway, my work with the horses..SPECTACULARRRRR...my other job, eh..not so much. Yesterday was one of those days when nothing went...
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Happy Birthday, even if your account is dead 

Today was absolute chaos. There was a huge fire right down the road today and all of downtown and the Washington Street area was without power. That may not sound so bad but keep in mind I live in a school zone right down the road from a major hospital...no power..no traffic lights. It was bad enough that being without power meant that I couldn't...
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Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your horses!!
I wished you a Happy Thanksgiving and now I am going to wish you a Merry
Christmas. And since I tend to be predictable, I will probably wish you a Happy
New Year in another week or so.
But even though these are holiday greetings, you can write me anytime to tell
me how you are doing. Hope you're doing well.
Christmas. And since I tend to be predictable, I will probably wish you a Happy
New Year in another week or so.
But even though these are holiday greetings, you can write me anytime to tell
me how you are doing. Hope you're doing well.
Discovering The Garden
Hopeful Set
Yeah so seriously, the world has gone mad. Having traveled a great deal in my life I was living with the delusion that it was only the US media that focused on trivial, Hollywood-centric, STUPID stories (think Britney Spears running over a photog's foot..or anything involving the cast of The Hills). Well...I stand corrected. While talking to a friend of mine in Turkey today (the...
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New pictures of Calista - Yea!! I love the fifth photo the most going from l-r. The love you have for that horse is obvious in your expression and I see the love coming back from the horse too. I think the sixth photo is you sneaking a nap because of all your exams (lol)
I know...that was terrible. If only I would've had my cup of coffee this morning, I would've had the sense not to print that.
Anyway...hope you and your horses are doing well. So you've been to New York and maybe SC. Is there any chance the Calista world tour is going to come to my area? Take care.