Well still in a funk. I cannot wait for the holidays to end. My bf keeps asking if I am okay. He now's I'm not so why ask. I finally made an appt to go see my doc about getting back on my meds for depression, anxiety, OCD. I have pretty severe OCD and then add the others I turn into a raging mess. I hate to take pills, even tylenol, but if it helps I will try it. I just hate the addictive qualitites of shit. The last time I stopped my doc did not even mention I could have chemical withdrawal from my anxiety meds. Hence the do not like to take pills shit. I am a short fuse right now and need something. My temper even got the best of me the other night and I had an outburst of anger. That pretty much sealed the deal of taking care of the issue. I totally fucked up my hand breaking something. Thankfully I took it out on myself only. My temper has not been that bad since my early 20's. Oh well should be taken care of soon.
Other than the negative shit ;things are good at home and work. Hopefully the next time I post I will be a bright, shiny, happy girl!!! YEA........
Love you all!!! You are such a supportive bunch of people.....
Other than the negative shit ;things are good at home and work. Hopefully the next time I post I will be a bright, shiny, happy girl!!! YEA........
Love you all!!! You are such a supportive bunch of people.....

Sounds like a very unpleasant time. I hope your doc can sit down and work out a treatment that minimizes the drug interaction. We still love you though and you will get through this!