Actually, she was/is. My sister and I had taken her with us for a walk, and she'd been fussing, so I was carrying her. And she likes to suck her fist sometimes...She had a grip on my Metallica t-shirt and was kind of sucking it and her fist and fell asleep. My niece is the cute.
lost a track today. the most catastrophic, most feared failure an equipment operator can experience....well, next to an explosion or maybe falling off a cliff.
boy your getting just some bad juju right now need to go the casino and turn that stuff around. I hope all goes right at work tomorrow and you can get back on track....being out of work for an extended period sucks ass, wheather its by choice or not its still money out of your pocket. I hope its not stressing you out too much.
Awwwwwwww... *Brings you some chicken soup* I'm glad you're starting to feel better.
I hear ya on the ass kicking it's still kicking my ass too. I'm allergic to just about anything that floats in the air and can be inhaled.
I have felt like crap for like a month now. LOL
Good luck with catching up on all your work.
Hope you have a good day.
dont stress to much. You'll get everything done.....if you cant get your rig back in a day or so...maybe it would be worth it to rent one for a few days?