I'm going to be running my life pretty draconian from here on out. Need to make sure I don't slip up at all with my new job and fight my way up the latter where possible. I like money I admit it. But with money you are simply able to do more in life, and I plan on filling my life with as much fun as possible.
My average daily routine:
9am wake and go run 2 miles
11am have lunch
1PM on all Suicide Girls + mastrerbation + other fun
7PM strength training and run 2 miles
11PM pretend like I am getting tired and it is time for bed
I get to repeat this cycle until Jan 6th. Long time to wait still being a productive member of my community. Meanwhile my car is fucked and I am still bored. I need to make more friends. Merry Christmas.
My average daily routine:
9am wake and go run 2 miles
11am have lunch
1PM on all Suicide Girls + mastrerbation + other fun
7PM strength training and run 2 miles
11PM pretend like I am getting tired and it is time for bed
I get to repeat this cycle until Jan 6th. Long time to wait still being a productive member of my community. Meanwhile my car is fucked and I am still bored. I need to make more friends. Merry Christmas.
i try... 

with a name like Caligula who wouldn't want to be your friend, I know I would, plus you like Evil Dead.