Book exerpt 1:
Those times in ones life where the path ahead looks as dangerous as your past is finished, when the balance in your chest is tipped well towards uncertainty, its most uncomfortable isnt it? We all go through it. Even Caesar had to throw his dice and doubt over the Rubicon. In my case I had to throw my doubt across half the world, beyond the highest mountains and widest seas. Sometimes throwing that doubt away is like lopping off a limb, but when its gone it feels good to have that excess weight off doesnt it?
Those times in ones life where the path ahead looks as dangerous as your past is finished, when the balance in your chest is tipped well towards uncertainty, its most uncomfortable isnt it? We all go through it. Even Caesar had to throw his dice and doubt over the Rubicon. In my case I had to throw my doubt across half the world, beyond the highest mountains and widest seas. Sometimes throwing that doubt away is like lopping off a limb, but when its gone it feels good to have that excess weight off doesnt it?

San Diego!!! Miss my hometown sometimes. Devo rules... saw them up here at a private party for Klasky Csupo, an animation studio that Mark Mothersbaugh does work for.

Time to update, girlfriend.