i went in today to get my usual STD check- everything seems fine, have to wait 2 weeks for the rest of the results. damn i hate needles- i mean i hate them with a passion. anyways- hope everyone is doing good- and i will try to hang out again soon- i wish SGLA did something out in the I.E. frown
Aww STD checks.....I remember those. HeeHee, it's so nice being with the same woman who was a virgin before I was with her. I don't even have to use birth control! Life is good!
another night, another dream. i didn't wake up till my boss called me 20 mins. have i was supposed to be at work. I'm probably going to lose my job if i keep doing this. but its so hard to pull myself out of the dreams in the morning- into a reality that is quite different from my dreams- where the person that used to...
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i'm bored as hell at work- just a few systems to build- but nothing really challenging. i like being busy at work- keeps me from thinking too much.

my dreams have been really bothering me lately. i keep having dreams of my ex and i still being together and raising little Alexandra as a family. i sometimes don't even get up in the morning cause...
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aww *hugs*
Whatever you do don't get fired! I know it sure it hard to get up in the mornings sometimes frown I really just want to tone up and be leaner and somewhat smaller . I could stand to lose about 10 lbs.
this week is going a little better- not much to report- can't wait for my g/f to get back from washington on tonight- mad kinky sex will insue. aside from that- i say unto everyone BLAH
thank you very very much kiss
I'm not doing good today... i know, you guys have been hearing me say that alot. damnit, i'm being one of those self-involved 'woe is me' goths.
i feel like the stress of my life is killing me slowly. I work as a computer tech, but get paid crap, hell, i probably couldn't live on my own if i wasn't still living with my mom...
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I hope things work out...try not to let the big things get you down :/

I know its hard but seeing the good in the bad can be a good thing...you DO have a beautiful daughter, and at least you have a JOB at all, and a g/f that you can share the bad times with you have support...and more then a lot of people smile

btw thanks for the kind words, Im hoping everything is going just fine.
Awww!!! I know that feeling! frown
its been a little while- sorry everyone. i'm still here and alive. its just been really stressfull. the baby is doing great, but the mother is acting like a total bitch. she is the only thing stressing me out, i'm actually handling the idea of fatherhood rather well.
btw- just saw Mary's new set- OMG i have fallen in love with her again.
New favorite...
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Say Bra...
No need to apologize for being a new father...but sorry about the mother.

Hope you get to have as much fun as you can imagine...and I bet you can imagine alot wink ARRR!!!
Hmmmm, I need to find a joke to cheer you up that you haven't heard yet. Good to hear from you...keep hanging in there smile
well, life has been busy. i feel like i barely sleep anymore cause i'm always driving out to see alexandra or going to see my g/f. my ex is acting cooler, but it feels very weird, being around her and not being with her. I've come to tears a few times watching her with our baby. aside from that, i'm trying to get by. i...
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Living day to day is the right thing to do...
Take your time and be real easy with yourself smile
whats up? just wanted to see how you were doing! i haven't heard from you in awhile! kiss
i've been ignoring the site and my online friends so much lately...i'm sorry. life just seems to draw me in way too much. i'm so bloody tired right now. i'll post more tomorrow if i get the chance
Hey man, it was cool seeing you at Perv, I hope you had a good time wink

G'bye sweetie! biggrin
i'm sitting bored at work again. i'm doing my best not to stress out about the baby and everything, but its not working. i can't sleep till late at night (Final fantasy 11 contributes to that) and i keep waking up late for work. i need to get a handle on my life, but everytime i start to, i have another breakdown. and being stuck...
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glad to hear from you that you're alive and (reasonably) well. have been thinking about you and hoping that things were working out okay with the baby. try not to stress too much on that account since all the best plans in the world can go awry in seconds when it comes to kids and co-parenting. for the next 18 years, the best you can do is be there with your love, time, attention and support (not just financial) and hope for the best.

depression sucks ass, doesn't it? like a self-propelling mechanism of sabotage towards any attempt to break away from depression. i'm tired of it, myself. let's get some big sticks and beat our depression into the ground together, shall we?

hugs, honey!!!! kiss
hey There...just sending some good wishes.
went with my family on sunday to go see Steph and the baby. still tenser than all hell, but at least she seemed to respond well to everyone else. meaning she only hates me. frown
anyways, school starts again tomorrow, meaning less money but more free time
Hey dude, it was cool seeing you at the show, did you like?
Hang in there .....