well- after over a year, i know why i was booted from SGLA. and oddly enough, the same reason why my request to join SGIE has gone unanswered- People saying that i did stuff that i didn't. As anyone that reads my journal knows, i barely come on here more than just to write a post sometimes and check out pics. i was contemplating cancelling before SGIE got started. but that revamped my interest in this.
except that i am blocked by the same stuff ( which i didn't do and i'm not even quite sure what i was accused of since no one ever said a bloody word to me) Some people on the net hide behind a viel since they don't have to look at u in the face or respond to u, they do whatever they want. i may get banned for this little rant of mine. but so be it. All i ever did was at one time have a nude pic in my pictures- what is wrong with that? I did not send it out.
the sad thing is, after all my time on SG, this is my longest post. lol
so what now? i see a few different possiblities:
1) The same people that have slandered me before, will pull strings and have me booted for no real reason
2) I will continue to be ignored and probably eventually quit. Not that my few bucks a month mean crap to admin around here
3) Someone will actually respond to me for once and act like a human being and talk to me.
I act on the net like i do in person- i wish these people would to. and if this is how they act in person- i feel really sorry for them.
Throughout my life, i have been the outsider cause i don't put up with the bs. even amoung other outsiders, i tend to be left out. On here, I have tried to make and effort and connect to other people, but I run into the same stuff i see time and again.
If you know me and are in SGIE, fight for me, please.
except that i am blocked by the same stuff ( which i didn't do and i'm not even quite sure what i was accused of since no one ever said a bloody word to me) Some people on the net hide behind a viel since they don't have to look at u in the face or respond to u, they do whatever they want. i may get banned for this little rant of mine. but so be it. All i ever did was at one time have a nude pic in my pictures- what is wrong with that? I did not send it out.
the sad thing is, after all my time on SG, this is my longest post. lol
so what now? i see a few different possiblities:
1) The same people that have slandered me before, will pull strings and have me booted for no real reason
2) I will continue to be ignored and probably eventually quit. Not that my few bucks a month mean crap to admin around here
3) Someone will actually respond to me for once and act like a human being and talk to me.
I act on the net like i do in person- i wish these people would to. and if this is how they act in person- i feel really sorry for them.
Throughout my life, i have been the outsider cause i don't put up with the bs. even amoung other outsiders, i tend to be left out. On here, I have tried to make and effort and connect to other people, but I run into the same stuff i see time and again.
If you know me and are in SGIE, fight for me, please.

Sorry man. I wasn't around at that time this shit went down, so I don't know what to say. You seemed like a cool guy to me, but I don't get to let people into the groups either. If things can work out here then cool, if not....well it's not something to worry about really. It's just a website. We'll still be on here to talk to and hang out and shit. Good luck man, late.....
I'm lost.....what is going on here?